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Who needs wheels???


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Jeb was pretty pleased, round trips to Mun and Min, the galaxy was all but his. One day while, Jeb was boasting about his accomplishments, Turbo, a 3rd class engineer, overheard Jeb saying "if I could just get around up there, we'd get a lot more science done".

Turbo, looking for a promotion, figured he'd provide a solution, and whipped up a prototype, with the only wheels he had access to...




Interestingly with the SAS on, there was enough inertia to stabilize it and it could be driven!

Somewhat shamed by his ultra poor performance, he sought to develop a "highly modified variant"…


… only to reach Mun and find that he forgot the landing legs; however, this solved the age old question of "how to tip it over without breaking it?"

In the end things were pretty good with V2, until it caught air off a crater…


Once the flight director realized what was going on, he quickly put a halt to Turbo's "rover" program, at least until the R&D team figures out how to make a wheel. Only time will tell if Turbo ever gets that promotion. In the meantime Jeb has been just hanging out at the space center, trying to "fly".

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