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[WIP] Cacteye Telescope v0.1 (2/1/14) - Modular, EVA-serviceable orbital telescope

Rubber Ducky

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  federicoaa said:
That's a bug with module manager. Delete and reinstall all the mods you have and that should make it work again.

Is that really the only option, because re-installing all of my mods would probably take me longer than waiting for a fix to come around

Edited by Rokker
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I've just seen this and had to download - awesome mod! I've implemented the MM fixes into the config files so fingers crossed it doesn't kill my install :P

*EDIT* Has a conflict so when I resolve I will post a fix :P Lesson to all here is make back ups of stuff and read back a few pages when checking out new mods :D

*FIX* So the problem is the new version of hull camera as on that thread people are reporting the same issue as here. I've reverted to version 2.9 on the hull cam main page and ksp loads again. No re-installing of all mods just replacing hull cam worked fine.

Edited by Green Skull
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  Green Skull said:
I've just seen this and had to download - awesome mod! I've implemented the MM fixes into the config files so fingers crossed it doesn't kill my install :P

*EDIT* Has a conflict so when I resolve I will post a fix :P Lesson to all here is make back ups of stuff and read back a few pages when checking out new mods :D

*FIX* So the problem is the new version of hull camera as on that thread people are reporting the same issue as here. I've reverted to version 2.9 on the hull cam main page and ksp loads again. No re-installing of all mods just replacing hull cam worked fine.

Seriously man, thanks. You just saved me so much time.

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Hi Guys! I found an issue with replacing the processor (the thing that activates the camera) where i click store inside of the processor mount and then it appears that the processor is upside down. I then tried to release from the processor mount and then it krakened on me causing everything to split apart. Thanks in advance for the help!

Anyway this is a great mod nonetheless, and is a great mod to have. Thanks for creating it!

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  Jeskins said:
Hi Guys! I found an issue with replacing the processor (the thing that activates the camera) where i click store inside of the processor mount and then it appears that the processor is upside down. I then tried to release from the processor mount and then it krakened on me causing everything to split apart.


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  GavinZac said:
I haven't tried it yet but the ModuleManager config to make those changes would look like:

Okay I've been having that problem too, and I want to apply the fix, but I have absolutely no experience editing .cfgs and I'm afraid to break my game. So where exactly do I put this?

I've got a crew waiting to replace a processor that got 'sploded by the sun (curse you Moho!), but can't yet because of this bug.

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1. Copy an existing part configuration file to desktop.

2. Rename to whatever you want - Telescope fix.

3. Delete contents of this configuration file and replace with this:


@node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0




@evaPartDir = (0,-1,0)



4. Save and place the new "telescope" configuration file into game data.

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Awesome mod, I've had heaps of fun assemling the KSP - Kubble Space Peekaboo - and maintaining it every time the processor went KERBLAM! after accidentally eyeing the Kerbol. Figured out MechJeb 2's Smart A.S.S. in ADV mode with TARGET - FORWARD reference mode did pretty good job at pinpointing the bodies!

Moho remains elusive, however...

Anyway, I was wondering if it would be possible to observe those random asteroids? They aren't exactly targetable and finding them manually is quite a challenge. Even then, there appear to be no experiments involving them. I believe it'd be stellar if we could gain science for spotting those asteroids! After you've stared all the bodies down, random asteroids are basically the only things left to look at - practically an inexhaustible supply of space telescope duties.

Looking forward to the next release!

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i have a problem with the processors and KAS.

i flew all the way out there with my shuttle and wanted to switch the installed lowtech with the medtech processor, but my kerbal installs it the wrong way around. he even grabs it the wrong way

what can i do?


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Curious question: Will the telescope work and give different reports for experiments if it's outside of a high Kerbin orbit? If it was around the Mun for example, would that do anything different?

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Since the way the HullCam VDS plugin module works it takes over the screen I don't see much difference between a screen shot of viewing though the scope or just viewing the body or ship normally. If/when it changes to open in a separate window as was talked about over on that forum it would be a different story :)

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Well, touché, friend! That's a good point. Oh well, I hadn't tried hullcam before I asked the question - now I know it changes to full screen. To test the hullcam, I built my own Hubble telescope, named "Kubble Deep Field". I slapped MechJeb on it, in order to have it constantly pointed towards a target, and that mod which increases the on-rail viewing distance of objects (this is now a mod on my "must-have" list. Everyone should use it!). It works like a charm, besides the fact that mechjeb can't hold the direction very accurately. The angle to target seems to be jumping around as the zoom increases. Is there a way to fix that?

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Not sure if this was mentioned before, but the processor will explode when pointed at the sun even when you're on the dark side of a planet.

  Kerbrud said:
This sure looks interesting, but why has noone posted any screenshots of vessels or celestial bodies observed through this telescope?


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  • 2 weeks later...

wow, I've tried all telescope mods out there and this is the one wich really gives importance to telescopes, by having to periodically set up mission to upgrade... instead of just launching probes with a single scientific part and then proudly calling it your "advanced orbital telescope".

I hope Squd will keep an important eye on mods like this to really improve the development of new stock systems.

Thee have my appreciation, Sir.

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Hey everyone, just letting you guys know that I'm actually working on another update for this... after a three month hiatus.

It'll be mostly just plugin-side, but I'm essentially redoing most of the code.

- Basic bugfixes, of course, chiefly the KAS bug and I'm stealing the occultation code from DOE because it actually works correctly

- Overhauling the science system. It'll no longer be dependent on where the observations are coming from.

- Experiment modules are going out - experiments will instead be part of the processors

- When you leave telescopes with special asteroid processors running in orbit, it will actively affect the rate at which asteroids are discovered around Kerbin (this is tested and working so far).

- Much less restriction on how the telescope is structured - as long as an optics part and a processor part is onboard with sufficient electricity, it'll work.

- Processors will now be in these categories:

  • Wide Field Camera - just like it is now, available in high, medium and low, but now they are all tied to one experiment (so high-tech experiment will get all of the available science)
  • Asteroid experiment - point it at a tracked asteroid, get science.
  • Star Occultation - this experiment will automatically generate a time and date to observe a specific body when it is occulting a 'star.' Hopefully integration with KAC.

- Overhauling the GUI, I'd like to ditch Hullcam for a fancier GUI window for the display

- Possibly a basic 1.25m optics system, if I have time

I'm not making any promises here - this is not an exhaustive list, and anything could easily get axed for one reason or another. Note that this update will probably be incompatible with old saves, and it'll be incompatible with DOE until I get around to doing a major update on that as well. Also note that this will probably be the last update to this mod (at least from me) for a long time, due to some things in my personal life.

Also, since the Star Occultation will randomly generate star names for each experiment, if anybody has some suggestions for Kerbal stars feel free to post them!

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  Rubber Ducky said:

- When you leave telescopes with special asteroid processors running in orbit, it will actively affect the rate at which asteroids are discovered around Kerbin (this is tested and working so far).

I have my own asteroid roleplay setup so I'm interested to hear more about this. Currently when deploying something like this I was going to just add a multiplier to increase my rate of discovering new asteroids, but sounds like this will do it for me. So basically it gives you more than 7 new possibles to track at any given time?

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