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"SABRE-metrics": The implications of hybrid engines

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Hybrid engines are coming in the new patch, that will alternate between using atmospheric and stored oxidizers. Therefore, the 9:11 relationship between liquid fuel and oxidizer won't be nearly as important to maintain, and it's possible, and actually, likely, that we'll be in situations where we find ourselves with an oxidizer deficit or excess mid-mission.

The ability to adjust how much oxidizer and fuel are in tanks at launch also seems implicit in the new "tweakable" feature, which will also lead to fuel/oxidizer imbalances. There also seems to be statements that indicate that the SABRE will have it's own fuel type, and we may see more engine-specific fuels and/or engines that consume fuel and oxidizer at specific ratios.

With these features and subsequent imbalances, it will become even more appealing to generate oxidizer and/or fuel in extrakerbestrial locations. Please note, this thread wasn't started as a "suggestion for resources", as noted in the "do-not-suggest" list, but instead a discussion of game changes subsequent to hybrid engines and tweakables, that will include resource generation and management.

I'm aware there are fuel generation mods, and I'm not terribly familiar with them. I'm not sure if any also concern themselves with generating oxidizers in addition to fuel sources. Making the assumption that the oxidizer that our rockets use is liquid oxygen (LOx), and it will be favorabel to generate the resources separate from each other because they will no longer be burnt in locked quantities, is it likely we'll be seeing ways to generate extra-kerbestrial resources soon?

As it stands, we have craft parts that are designed to suck in atmosphere, e.g. circular intakes, to use as an oxidizer, and other parts that are designed to store oxidizers. Something that I think may be coming soon is a condensor/compressor part that takes atmospheric oxygen from air intakes, and concentrates it to be stored as rocket oxidizer. Currently, this would only be useful on Laythe, but thats oxidizer that would be useful for getting around the Jool system and expeditions to Eeloo, and the volume of oxidizer made in the outer Kerbol system doesn't have to be transported from Kerbin, meaning trips out to Jool system can transport more fuel instead. The condensation and storage of oxygen could also be useful for life support, but again, that seems to be an "off-limit" topic here.

What are other changes are players expecting to hear about due to changes in 0.23, especially with the inclusion of SABRE engines.

Edited by LethalDose
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Well I hope they will be balanced, not insanely overpowered or underpowered like a handful of the rockets we have. I think that it'll change the face of SSTOs, as people will finally make SSTO heavy lifters. These should work even better on Laythe, with its slightly lower gravity and shorter atmosphere. So far, my SSTOs are just for fun, I've never done anything useful with any of them. I get places much better with staged rockets, not like my SSTOs really do return flights anyway. The planes can't land anywhere but Kerbin, Laythe, and maybe tiny bodies like Minmus or Pol. With SABRE engines, I could build an SSTO that could refuel at my high Kerbin orbit station, and fly to Jool with enough liquid fuel perhaps to land on Laythe and take off again. If it works, it'll make setting up a Jool base easier, as I'll be able to use that plane to haul fuel up from Laythe to fuel stations I send to Jool, if I get the Kethane mod.

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