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Four way docking help.

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Trying to dock a command module to an engine and fuel module.

I know the parts align since I used the bottom 4 way as a module for the top end.

Best I have done is a 2 way dock with adjacent nodes.




No matter what I do I can't seem to dock all four.

(Especially when the tank ends start waving to Bob Kerman whose piloting).

Any tips?

Edited by SSSPutnik
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Trying to dock a command module to an engine and fuel module.

I know the parts align since I used the bottom 4 way as a module for the top end.

Best I have done is a 2 way dock with adjacent nodes.




No matter what I do I can't seem to dock all four.

(Especially when the tank ends start waving to Bob Kerman whose piloting).

Any tips?

Any image? I can't imaging the issues well.

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Use the large docking port, instead of 4 small ones? As far as I'm aware, multi-way docking was essentially a hack used for stability and strength before the large ports were added to the game. I'm not going to claim that there's absolutely no reason to do multi-way docking now, just I thought it had kinda become obsolete. You may well have a good reason for using it, or know better than me, or I may be misunderstanding what you're doing.

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Is OK, I just managed it right after posting. I switched to engine part and aligned it exactly away from the planet at zero degrees. Docking then snapped em all in place.

Now to load up landers etc. Then Jool here I come. I hope...


Cheers ppl.

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Is OK, I just managed it right after posting. I switched to engine part and aligned it exactly away from the planet at zero degrees. Docking then snapped em all in place.

Now to load up landers etc. Then Jool here I come. I hope...

Cheers ppl.

Wish you good luck on your journey. Remember to make persistent backup regularly... Kraken likes big ship.

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Yeah thanks. Took a test run out to Minmus.

Ship seems to move about a bit whilst under full thrust. However it survived extended thrust and sudden throttle changes and time warp so far. Considering sending tug and lander by themselves, they have plenty of deltaV. Use main ship a refueling base.

Will load up and test more. Also making a copy of the game folder!

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