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How far you can get a kerbal with 10 parts?

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Not a submission, since landing was not a requirement yet when the video was made. Point is, 5 parts can get you pretty much anywhere. Most worlds are landable with just the LV-N engine. Add a parachute for 6 parts and Eve/Laythe are attainable too.


To fly the 5 part ship, (six with parachute);

1. Disable the fuel tank of the upper stage before launch. (Right click on the tank and click the green triangles for the no sign to show)

2. Fly with the Skipper until the orange tank is empty.

3. Disable the Skipper. (Right click engine and select deactivate.)

4. Enable the upper stage fuel tanks.

5. Fire the LV-N. It will blow up the orange tank to stage it.

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I already did this challenge.

I'm pretty sure you can do better.

I went to Duna with 9 parts.

Pictures and my ship.


Is that.. did you...?

Just FYI, you can take screenshots natively in Kerbal by pressing F1, or F11 if you're using Steam, you don't need to take a photograph of your monitor.

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Is that.. did you...?

Just FYI, you can take screenshots natively in Kerbal by pressing F1, or F11 if you're using Steam, you don't need to take a photograph of your monitor.

That is funny :P, but for some it is easy to just take a photo and upload it via phone. But the quality is ter ri ble

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There is a limit for five part stock ships when required to bring a Kerbal back home or land safely. The range, 100x100K orbit or 1,956,000+ straight up.




Even with mods, it is not much better;




The one exception, this one part mod that can take 9 kerbals anywhere and safely return them.


With up to 10 parts, many missions are possible with one way ones to safe landing anywhere possible.

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Search for Tardis1. It has a real nice interior;


Can I teleport the Tardis with it, or only regular flight is allowed?

Also, I couldn't find any results, this is the closest one I got: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/type-40-time-travel-capsule/

Edited by Commissioner Tadpole
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Is that.. did you...?

Just FYI, you can take screenshots natively in Kerbal by pressing F1, or F11 if you're using Steam, you don't need to take a photograph of your monitor.

I know that. But I did that mission some time ago, and I sent by photo to my brother-in-law. Before I create this thread I formated my pc and lost the screenshot, but I have it on my phone.

I'm doing this challenge again with 6 parts trying to get to Tylo. I will send some screens when I can.

I'm at work right now so I make maneuvers every break a get, :D:D:D:D

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Okay, submission time!

With 5 parts (the same 5-part ship I used in the video posted earlier in this thread) I've been to:









If Duna somehow doesn't count 'cause I broke my engine off, I can redo it from my quicksave :P

More to come, but it's sleepy time now :/


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Adding two decouplers, a parachute, and a pair of solar panels to the five part ship, makes it ten, Jeb still made Voyager escape. Bob made Jool orbit with areobraking, but is almost out of fuel. Had I got a much closer encounter, which would make for a much shorter burn to areobrake, I would have had more then enough fuel to attempt a Laythe intercept and landing. That is certainly doable.

The airless planets are not going to be obtainable for landing.

Ten parts, or five if you remove parachute, decouplers, and solar panels, This challenge is going to rely on piloting skills along with good efficient intercepts. All the outer planets can be reached with the right intercept window with fuel to spare.

Edited by SRV Ron
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Adding two decouplers, a parachute, and a pair of solar panels to the five part ship, makes it ten, Jeb still made Voyager escape. Bob made Jool orbit with areobraking, but is almost out of fuel. Had I got a much closer encounter, which would make for a much shorter burn to areobrake, I would have had more then enough fuel to attempt a Laythe intercept and landing. That is certainly doable.

The airless planets are not going to be obtainable for landing.

Ten parts, or five if you remove parachute, decouplers, and solar panels, This challenge is going to rely on piloting skills along with good efficient intercepts. All the outer planets can be reached with the right intercept window with fuel to spare.

I've been trying around Jool since I've never made a manned landing on its moons. Laythe seems quite possible (I could load up a Tylo quicksave and have enough dV to change course and land) and I may settle for it. Despite repeated tries I couldn't land on Tylo with my normal 10 part ship no matter how many tricks I tried to subvert the dV requirements (I setup a 'free' Tylo intercept using aerobraking and less then 10m/s), I always came up about 500m/s short resulting in a very hard crash. If Tylo had gravity closer to Duna I would have tried burning all my fuel and then using an EVA to make the final landing. I do have one alternative design that might bend things enough to make Tylo possible, I just need to get the launch parameters right.

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Tonight's flight with the 10 part Ship; (5 if you remove decouplers, dual solar panels, and parachute.) All flights used this same two stage ship with a Skipper and LV-N.


Bob safely landed on Duna;


Bill falling through Jool; His capsule was crushed some 250 meters below the surface.


Genabro on Eve. Actually, floating on the liquid surface. The camera view is below.


Poor Jeb has gone way beyond the Kerban system.

Edited by SRV Ron
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Wait, 10 parts final or 10 part total? As in 10 parts is what makes it there from LKO, or into LKO and then onwards?

Look at the ship just posted, ten parts total for launch. (You can cut it to 7 by eliminating the solar panels and decoupler under the LV-N. It will shed the orange tank by overheating it.)

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Okay, submission time!

With 5 parts (the same 5-part ship I used in the video posted earlier in this thread) I've been to:



If Duna somehow doesn't count 'cause I broke my engine off, I can redo it from my quicksave :P

More to come, but it's sleepy time now :/


This makes you number 1 for now, cause your ship had 5 parts and my 10.

I've been trying to get to tylo but there's some dv missing. Aerobraking at jool is trick to.

I'm going to try something closer today.

I haven't set a time limit for submissions, but I think that we can declare a winner on monday and then start the challenge for rescuing with less parts. What do you say?

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Just placed Matlo and Bill on Laythe using aerobraking from the direct encounter. One needs to fine tune it so you can get the encounter with as little fuel as possible.


The 10 part ship did the mission. It can be cut to 7 parts by eliminating the two solar panels and the decoupler under the LV-N. Firerunner, you can cut it to six by eliminating the decoupler under the LV-N. You will have to know how to disable the fuel from the FLT-800 tank as well as disabling the Skipper when the big tank runs out of fuel. The LV-N will blow the orange tank out of the way. I can cut my to six and use the bigger chute to safely land the upper stage.




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Hahahah, I´m the brother in law!!!

My challenge just popped up here.

This is my try in 30 oct.

I did make to Laythe with 9 parts. The design has similar to the SRV Ron.

I have fuel to get anywhere I think.



I first did try to land on Jool, I did not know it has a Gas giant hehe







I have a lot of fuel left!

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Okay, add Eve and Gilly to my list. Same 5-part ship as the others.

Eve required some hardware assisted lithobraking, but Bill is safe and sound!


Gilly was only problematic in that I entered Eve's SOI on a retrograde orbit, so I had to completely reverse direction for a landing. Still, Gilly is a cakewalk...



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Well, so no one could get to Tylo.

I did try, but didn't made it.

I was thinking about the next challenge: The rescue mission that kerbal that is in Laythe. We landed on water. How are we going to recue on water????

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