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Space Shuttle Endurance V1.0


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Hello! Great Scott Inc. would like to present to you it's first space shuttle:



It can lift 1.25m(or less) parts into LKO


It uses RCS thrust blocks to boost itself into a final orbit after the fuel tank runs dry


It has ~4,400 Delta-V worth of liquid fuel and ~400 Delta-V worth of RCS(which is plenty to get to orbit and back)

Action Groups:

1. Cuts the top main engine for stability after the booster seperation

2. Cuts all of the engines

How to fly(note:I'm not the best at being effecient at launch,you may find a better way to launch):

1. Before launch set throttle to ~60%-80% (depends on the payload)

2. Once you clear the launch clamps turn pull back to get to a 75* angle

3. Stay at 75* till the boosters run dry

4. As the boosters stop stage them and press 1 to keep stable

5. Slowly turn back to 45* and stay there till your AP is about 45km(if you have a hard time turning,throttle down a slight bit)

6. Turn slowly to 0* once you reach 45km AP

7. As the fuel drains the craft wants to flip forwards,thrust down a bit to counter-act this

8. Before your PE reaches 70km(or the fuel runs out) ditch the fuel tank and use RCS thrust to boost your way to LKO

Mods Used:

FAR(for the aerodynamics)

KWRockettry(for the engines and boosters)

B9(for the shuttle)

Few know problems:

Unstable in the lower atmosphere

Rudders clip into the cargo doors on opening and closing

Hard to attach items into the cargo bay(not my fault really)

This is Version 1.0 of the craft, it is not 100% complete. I will take any helpful criticism,I will use it to make the shuttle better.



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Check out mine, post #73 on this thread.

Similar to yours but mine looks larger and I went with the more powerful SRB's. It's balanced nicely, holds flight path just fine using SAS.

Looks nice,I have been working on a more stable version of the craft along with a crew only craft as well.

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