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Highlad's Art - Taking Requests


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Why hello there folks!

I have been playing KSP for a wile now and have grown fond of artistic interpretations of gameplay. I figured that I probably have the time (and the know-how) to make some arty things on demand.

I am open to requests for the following types of things:


General KSP art (eg. Drawings)

Custom Flags


As you may not agree that I am half decent at this sort of thing, I shall show a few examples.

Note: Any art made will also be placed below for easy access.

My Signature:


One of my earliest arty things:


A theoretical leader for our fearless kerbals (Scaled Down as it didn't fit):


A Flag/Logo for a large scale colonisation of Duna that I did a while back:


One of my favourite KSP arty things I have made:


The first of these photos, A duna landing!


Aerobraking over jool (or is it 'in jool'?)


A cool plane


'This is going well' thought bob as he plummeted to his inevitable demise.


Buzzing the Tower:


A long ship...


A farewell to a Kerbal:


And another of the same (with weird confetti flames...)


A lovely wee Laythe lander. :)


A couple of pictures for a Sparta race team called 'The Kerbals'



A funny wee bit of ASCII art:


And if you feel so inclined, I'm always happy to receive a little reputation. :D

Edited by Highlad
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Heh, pretty nice!

Could you make a picture in honor of my first Duna(and interplanetary landing) landing? The raw screenshot is here, though naturally I'd like a few changes.

Obviously, Bill(the Kerbal in the middle) should have an orange space suit, and be planting the flag instead of sitting there grinning. Mitkin(the Kerbal to the left) should be kneeling down taking a surface sample from Duna, and Mallan(the Kerbal to the right) should be climbing one of the two rovers I sent there(they should look approximately like this, but they have a Docking port on top of them, and they also have a Telus Mobility Enhancer[the yellow, shorter one] on the side of the cockpit with the ladder, it just isn't visible in that shot, and place the lights more 'sideways' relative to the cockpit). Don't forget to make Duna's skies more visible(rather than looking almost absent), and Ike appearing in the horizon.

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Heh, pretty nice!

Could you make a picture in honor of my first Duna(and interplanetary landing) landing? The raw screenshot is here, though naturally I'd like a few changes.

Obviously, Bill(the Kerbal in the middle) should have an orange space suit, and be planting the flag instead of sitting there grinning. Mitkin(the Kerbal to the left) should be kneeling down taking a surface sample from Duna, and Mallan(the Kerbal to the right) should be climbing one of the two rovers I sent there(they should look approximately like this, but they have a Docking port on top of them, and they also have a Telus Mobility Enhancer[the yellow, shorter one] on the side of the cockpit with the ladder, it just isn't visible in that shot, and place the lights more 'sideways' relative to the cockpit). Don't forget to make Duna's skies more visible(rather than looking almost absent), and Ike appearing in the horizon.

Here you go!


Unfortunately the rover just wasn't working... I put him on a ladder on the rocket instead, I hope you don't mind. :)

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If I may, I would like to make a humble request of an artistic interpretation of some of the Grand Tour postacards, preferably the one depicting aerobraking in Jool's atmosphere.

Thank you! :)

Im just getting started on it now! :D

Do you have a closer screenshot of the ship (doesn't need to be in the same setting). Its just that I cant quite make out some of the bits on the ship. I can still do it without it but it wont be as accurate.

Edit: I have just seen one of the ship, It would still be nice to get a top down view. :D

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Im just getting started on it now! :D

Do you have a closer screenshot of the ship (doesn't need to be in the same setting). Its just that I cant quite make out some of the bits on the ship. I can still do it without it but it wont be as accurate.

Oops, accidental spoiler :D

Here you are:



If you need more, just let me know.

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I would like a request, this plane:


But breaking the sound barrier, and perhaps a kerbal screaming inside the cockpit? :D Thanks!

Ok, sure thing!

I will need a few screenshots to work from.

Perhaps if you take a screenshot from the approximate angle that you want it drawn from.

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have to point this out, better would be in pericula intrepidus (lit. undaunted in danger)

Don't trust Google translate because Latin has no word order which screws with Google's software, latin relies on the inflections at the end of the word to determine what it is in the sentence, whereas Google is designed for modern languages which have word order.

Edited by Halsfury
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If I may, I would like to make a humble request of an artistic interpretation of some of the Grand Tour postacards, preferably the one depicting aerobraking in Jool's atmosphere.

Thank you! :)

Hot out the oven!


I dont think this is my best work but im a little tired and thats two in a row so yeah... Its still alright :)

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have to point this out, better would be in pericula intrepidus (lit. undaunted in danger)

Don't trust Google translate because Latin has no word order which screws with Google's software, latin relies on the inflections at the end of the word to determine what it is in the sentence, whereas Google is designed for modern languages which have word order.

Haha, you got me! Google will be the bane of me!


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Could I get this plane buzzing the tower withe the camera close up on the cockpit canopy on the Kerbals face, who should be wearing a fighter pilot helmet. And in the back round you can see Kerbals in the tower yelling at him and a cup of coffee in midair with coffee flying out of it. :P



It's as simple as it looks, it was a prototype for maneuverability testing; delta wing-canard configuration, landing gear. Get rid of the VTOL engine too.

Also, if it isn't too much to ask for, can you have the Kerbals face behind a HUD which displays the speed (backwards of course) to be like mach 1.5-2 ish.

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Though I have no reference pictures I'm sure that you would be able to find one without too much trouble. It's the final scene in the movie Space Cowboys where the astronaut is sitting on the Moon next to his wreaked craft. If you could create an artwork of this it would be amazing.

Edit: Not sure if this is a given but I would like it to be kerbalized, Kerbin instead of Earth, KSP rocket parts, ect. I will leave it up to your creative genius for the rest of it.

Edited by Dodgey
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Could I get this plane buzzing the tower withe the camera close up on the cockpit canopy on the Kerbals face, who should be wearing a fighter pilot helmet. And in the back round you can see Kerbals in the tower yelling at him and a cup of coffee in midair with coffee flying out of it. :P

It's as simple as it looks, it was a prototype for maneuverability testing; delta wing-canard configuration, landing gear. Get rid of the VTOL engine too.

Also, if it isn't too much to ask for, can you have the Kerbals face behind a HUD which displays the speed (backwards of course) to be like mach 1.5-2 ish.

Will do :D

Could I get the craft file? I figure I could probably do it faster if I have the craft in my hands to play around with.... all for evil purposes of course...

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I don't suppose you could do something like this?:


'This is going well' thought bob as he plummeted to his inevitable doom.


Its not really the same but I wanted to capture the whole 'whoops, did we leave bob outside during that aerobrake?' feel.


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