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Duna Base Rover


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Introducing the Duna Base Rover! This craft can go from the surface of Kerbin to Duna and roam there to your hearts content.


Parts ~180

Weight ~80t (includes launch stages, actual rover base ~35t with full fuel)

Action Groups

1- toggle solar panels

2- toggle ladders

3- toggle wheel motors

4- toggle comm array

Ascent profile suggestion

The initial climb to 10k is fairly slow due to low thrust of jet engines but once around 10k pitch to 70-50* and stay there until jets are about to cut (air intake around 0.8 for safety, 0.6 for more experienced jet users).

After 1-2 seconds, for jet boosters to clear, engage ascent stage and keep at 45* until stage burns out (should get Ap around 75-85).

When ascent stage burns out drop tanks and burn along velocity vector continuously to get into a 100k x 100k orbit.

On landing at Duna use engines at last moment to lower touchdown to under 10m/s

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Duna Base Rover

Update plans

Still a work in progress and hope to update it soon to give it:

-slightly more deltaV and allow for a Kerbin return

-the 4 kerbal storage container for *long haul* missions

However I'll keep the ship under 200 parts and under 100t total weight

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