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Give Kerbin Inclination relative to the Sun

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Pretty simple idea here

I remember that people have always complained about the frequent eclipses on kerbin and the lack of challenge of launching from the equator on a planet with no axial tilt.

My solution to this came to me when I was travelling to Moho and I saw something incredible, Moho has a high inclination and its whole south pole was in the dark, I know that Moho, like the rest of the planets, has no axial tilt but the inclination relative to the sun caused seasons!

So what I thought would be great is if Kerbin had a bit of inclination relative to the sun, that way, the moon wouldn't be able to eclipse the sun once every kerb-month and the sun, throughout the (kerbin) year would appear slightly more north/ more south from the equator.


Therefore my solution would be an ever so minor inclination change to kerbin (something like 1-2 degrees), to add to this one could add a 1 degree inclination to the Mun to change things up a bit.

Also the Mun should probably be just another 1000km from Kerbin (so that the Mun is slightly smaller in the sky and hence will eclipse totally less often)

Also I think that adding a touch of orbital eccentricity to Kerbin (around the sun) and the Mun (around Kerbin) would make the game feel a bit more realistic while not impacting starting players too much.

With these changes, Kerbin would have mini-seasons and I think it would be more challenging without excluding new players since minor changes like this would still allow a player to easily get to the Mun's SOI

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The reason Kerbin, and the Mun, have a 0 degree inclination, is to make it easy for starters to get out to the Mun, and other planets.

I think we should keep atleast the Mun's 0 inclination, for this very reason. Orbital mechenics are hard enough to grasp when you start this game

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Yeah, for my own game I'd prefer axial tilt, or at least orbital inclination, but for new players it would probably just make things too hard unfortunately. Not sure how hard it is to do, but maybe it could be an option when we have different game modes and difficulties, you could set whether you wanted a "hard" setting with inclined orbits and axial tilt when you were starting the game.

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Ok Sure but surely you could incline Kerbin relative to the Sun, Kerbin itself would be unaffected it would manifest itself as inclination relative to the sun, i.e. Kerbin would not travel perfectly across the Sun's equator.

At least this way Kerbin could have mini-seasons and eclipses would not always occur.

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I understand, what I know is that the planets can't have the kind of tilt you are asking for. all planets are tilted perpendicular to their orbits.

if you incline kerbin the mün will still be in the same plane as kerbin ans the sun.

Edited by leax256
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I understand, what I know is that the planets can't have the kind of tilt you are asking for. all planets are tilted perpendicular to their orbits.

if you incline kerbin the mün will still be in the same plane as kerbin ans the sun.

Are they? I could have sworn that all the planets have a tilt parallel to the Sun's north south axis


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