XIRA Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 GROOV3ST3R said: Everybody calm the hell down!Pewdiepie is popular - fact.He will ikely bring a lot of publicity and attention to the game - fact.Hordes of 6 year olds WILL NOT flood KSP and community - do they REALLY have that much money to spend on a space game? When I was six, I was happy with a plastic shovel and some sand. Honestly, calm down.Lots of ''bros'' will just watch for publicity. KSP video will earn over 1 million views within the first day - maki9ng it popular and thrusting it on the front pages of YouTube where people who have genuine interest will find the game.Also, even if people buy the game just to mess around, where is the harm in that? WE mess around. Even Scott Manley does - as he demonstrated flying a box from the inside of itself. Boosters? Jeb? come on - fun and messing around is the primary aspect of KSP.Kids will be able to sandbox through their time, have fun and go. Veterans and more advanced or more serious players will stay an integral part of this community.I see no reason to panic. It could be very good for KSP and Squad. Community can be moderated - and kids messing around in their games don't affect you.Other than that, I like PewdiePie. I think he is funny, I like his reactions. Maybe it's my simplistic sense of humor but come on - it's all for fun ^^ Lighten up.Completely agree. This is only going to be good for squad and ksp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KasperVld Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 Guys, I'd like to see this discussion remain positive and constructive, and not hateful towards specific people. Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liowen Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 I say this with all do respect...WHO?!That's right I know not of this person you speak of, and most likely will not be looking them up if they have to have others beg for free copies of games. This person, honestly I am unsure if it is a guy or girl to be honest, has to do that then their youtube channel is not worth my time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wiracho Posted December 14, 2013 Author Share Posted December 14, 2013 GROOV3ST3R said: Everybody calm the hell down!Pewdiepie is popular - fact.He will ikely bring a lot of publicity and attention to the game - fact.Hordes of 6 year olds WILL NOT flood KSP and community - do they REALLY have that much money to spend on a space game? When I was six, I was happy with a plastic shovel and some sand. Honestly, calm down.Lots of ''bros'' will just watch for publicity. KSP video will earn over 1 million views within the first day - maki9ng it popular and thrusting it on the front pages of YouTube where people who have genuine interest will find the game.Also, even if people buy the game just to mess around, where is the harm in that? WE mess around. Even Scott Manley does - as he demonstrated flying a box from the inside of itself. Boosters? Jeb? come on - fun and messing around is the primary aspect of KSP.Kids will be able to sandbox through their time, have fun and go. Veterans and more advanced or more serious players will stay an integral part of this community.I see no reason to panic. It could be very good for KSP and Squad. Community can be moderated - and kids messing around in their games don't affect you.Other than that, I like PewdiePie. I think he is funny, I like his reactions. Maybe it's my simplistic sense of humor but come on - it's all for fun ^^ Lighten up.I think you need a lesson in internet pop culture - he is THE most popular game reviewer on YouTube right now. His channel is his livelihood. He releases videos daily. He's even been to the red carpet premiere of Enders Game JUST BECAUSE OF HIS CHANNEL.finally!!! a person who understand why this will be great for the game..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kialar Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 Honestly, I never heard about this Pewdiething before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GROOV3ST3R Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 (edited) He's a guy.I don't know why anyone would suggest we give him a free copy though. He has money. He has studio quality mics and cameras. He doesn't need a free copy. He will just buy the game.One thing I will say is - if you DON'T know who he is, then don't hate on him. He is incredibly popular but if you don't know him, he will not affect you. But we're all mature people so there is no reason to spread hate just because you haven't heard of him. Is hating for that reason any better than being a ''bro''? Edited December 14, 2013 by GROOV3ST3R Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tobjv Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 I read this thread and I find it funny that some of you guys are angry about the people that watch his stream are acting like they do right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liowen Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 GROOV3ST3R said: He's a guy.I don't know why anyone would suggest we give him a free copy though. He has money. He has studio quality mics and cameras. He doesn't need a free copy. He will just buy the game.One thing I will say is - if you DON'T know who he is, then don't hate on him. He is incredibly popular but if you don't know him, he will not affect you.Not hating on him, but rather people who feel he DESERVES a free copy just because he is popular. If you are considering it hate that I refuse to watch this persons channel for their fans action, I guess I am guilty as charge... I guess. It is SQUAD's choice though if they want to give him a free copy, but I hope they do the right thing and make him pay just like the rest of, it is not even that expensive to be honest so if he is as popular as you say he should be able to afford it. Or better yet let one of his "fans" buy it for him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scotius Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 Calm down guys I distinctly remember very similiar discussion when KSP was to be featured on Yogscast. There was a LOT of doomsaying and Chicken Little-like shenanigans. But in effect nothing earth-shattering happened. KSP is a niche game of the kind that attracts very specific players. Learning curve is steep, there is very little gratification for trolls - it's single player for Jeb's sake, they can troll only themselves. And this forum is efficiently moderated, so at the worst moderators will have to swing ban-hammer couple of times to restore order Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GROOV3ST3R Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 (edited) Well let's leave it at that - if he wants to play KSP, he will and he will buy his own copy. He can easily afford to if his channel can pay for trans-atlantic flights.He is popular so this is a great opportunity for KSP. go back a page, read what I wrote there - I'm sure you will agree at least with the fact that there is very little harm PewDiePie and his followers can do. And they are likely to bring Squad a hefty profit as well as spread awareness of KSP to bring it to more people with genuine interest.-snip- Edited December 14, 2013 by KasperVld Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canopus Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 I don't care if he does play KSP but he should definitely pay for himself. I find it funny though how many people comment on his last video saying stuff like "Yes play Kreblar Spece Progrem".. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
czokletmuss Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 (edited) Does it matter if some teen idol plays this game? More players = more money = better product or at least that's how I see the equasion. Let them come - I haven't heard about this guy until now but even if there are a lot of childredn watching him on youtube than hey, maybe few kids will get interested in space thanks to this?But yeah, it's possible that the mods will have more work to do thanks to all this. Oh well.-snip- Edited December 14, 2013 by KasperVld Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Huojin Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 Firstly, I just want to say how heartened I am by the outpouring of dislike towards pewdiepie. He is without a doubt one of the most irritating, inane, and idiotic Youtubers and it's always nice to see I'm not alone in thinking so.To talk about what seems to be the main proposition of this topic, that Squad should give him a free copy, I think that's a daft idea. If he wants to play, he should buy it like everyone else. He's not exactly short on money.I really don't relish the influx of idiots that will likely flood here if he does a Lets Play of KSP, but hopefully figuring out orbital mechanics and how to actually do anything will make them short term members if they do turn up. We could probably deal with it, but I'd rather we didn't have to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sirrobert Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 Who the bloodly crap is pewdiepie? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 Quick! Let's create a backup forum incase this one gets overrun by pewdiepy's ! We'll name TOTALLYNOTKSPFORUM.com Or or jeblikesboosters.com AND don't tell anyone 'bout it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KD3 Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 This is the end. Bye everyone I'm off to my bunker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astronaut Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 NO PLEASE NO i might as well just shoot myself already! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scotius Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 Drama queens Chill out guys. Nothing happened yet. Go lithobrake some rockets, eat a snack - world will not end with one YT vid more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Javster Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 I don't mind, but if there is a positive correlation between date of pewdiepie KSP video and percentage of idiotic people on this forums, I will summon the Kraken to destroy them all MWHAHAHAHAHAHhaha*COUGH* *COUGH*. Then again, Kraken worshiping isn't considered to be very honourable. It will be what they call...THE NUCLEAR OPTION Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wampa842 Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 I'm admittedly a bro, but I don't want 'them' (the immature 13-year-olds that infect all forums, preaching how bros are the best and everyone else is either untrue, uncertain of their sexual orientation, or unskilled in gaming) to come here. If he plays KSP, most of 'them' will download it (either legally or not), fail miserably, then come crying to the forum saying things that will probably get them banned. They come in hundreds and can ruin any decent site. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KasperVld Posted December 14, 2013 Share Posted December 14, 2013 This thread has derailed completely. Closed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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