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Simple SSTOs: Conventional and RAPIER Verions

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Intended to make a personal statement for the Kerbal who has everything*, the Spaceboy Zoom** will leave no doubt who unlocked the tech tree for all the lazy slobs. Available in both high-tech R.A.P.I.E.R. and retro conventional Turbojet/rocket versions*** and capable of landing on Minmus****, it's generous wing area enable it to land on Airbase Island or any other short piece of reasonably flat ground. Thanks to the magic of RCS Build Aid technology, the CoM does not change as fuel burns so as Spaceboy Zoom handles leaving KSC, so it handles anywhere else. Whether you need to obtain a surface sample from Minmus, make a quick trip to a space station*****, meet your main squeeze for a picnic in the Badlands, the Spaceboy Zoom is the plane for you.

* So it does zero science

** Named for a TV show watched by Elroy Jetson

*** A matter of personal taste. Both require high-tech RTGs.

**** With refueling in both LKO and LMO

***** Station must have regular-size Clamp-o-Tron docking port

Instruction Manual:


  • Nosewheel steers and does not brake.
  • Horizontal control surfaces only do pitch and roll. Vertical control surfaces only do yaw

Action Groups:

2 = toggle ladders

5 = switch engines (from jet to rocket, both versions)

6 = toggle intakes open/closed

Flight Profile

1. Pull it off the ground at about 50m/s and climb at 45^ until 20km

2. At 20km, level off and build speed until jet flames out, then switch to rocket and close intakes

3. Achieve orbit with rocket. Either land when desired or rendezvous with a fueling station and go elsewhere

4. When returning to Kerbin, re-enter slightly nose-high

5. Landing speed is ~35m/s but it has no airbrakes so include room in landing approach to slow down to that speed as you cross the threshold.

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Conventional version: http://pastebin.com/yxMXeYwg

R.A.P.I.E.R. version: http://pastebin.com/c6PAf6r4

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