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Any Mathematicians Fancy a Challenge?


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Okay so I spent the evening designing a cipher and implementing it in Javascript for the fun of it and, aside from how lame that may or may not sound, I am just wondering how good it is.

Anyone here know anything about Cryptography? Anyone want to try cracking this:


You can try cracking it as is, or just try finding the key with my decrypter:


If no one is interested in this, we could just talk about Cryptography... I find it a fascinating subject.

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I know what this is, but have no clue how to decipher it. Any hints?

Well, one clue is that the initial character is a simple addition of the key value to the original character (it wraps around, too, so the characters always remain within the ASCII range 32 to 126).

The rest of the characters are not so simply encrypted.

Actually, sorry. I am not sure how you would go about decrypting this sort of cipher. I\'ve never tried it, I just like to design them.

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Well, one clue is that the initial character is a simple addition of the key value to the original character (it wraps around, too, so the characters always remain within the ASCII range 32 to 126).

The rest of the characters are not so simply encrypted.

Duhhh, uhhhh, um, right, I got that...

I have no idea what that meant.

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Duhhh, uhhhh, um, right, I got that...

I have no idea what that meant.

Sorry. I guess I assumed too much about your existing knowledge. I didn\'t mean to make you feel stupid or anything.

Sorry, again.

As I said, I am not sure how to go about deciphering this... well, I know exactly how because I designed it, but if I had no idea what the cipher was, I wouldn\'t really know. I just know how to design them (well, basic ones)... breaking them is a different story.

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Sorry. I guess I assumed too much about your existing knowledge. I didn\'t mean to make you feel stupid or anything.

Sorry, again.

As I said, I am not sure how to go about deciphering this... well, I know exactly how because I designed it, but if I had no idea what the cipher was, I wouldn\'t really know. I just know how to design them (well, basic ones)... breaking them is a different story.

I\'m not offended. I am sure if I spent enough time on this, I would crack it, but I\'m too lazy. It\'s funny, I can understand so many things, most teens would die from just trying to imagine, but I had no clue what you said.
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