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Manned Eve Flyby with the Munbug XI - Apollo Applications Program


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After Apollo, there where several Programs how to use the expensive hardware foe something else. The only one that was released was the Space Station "Skylab". One of those programs was the Manned Venus Flyby, with a Saturn V without a lander. I used Mulbin's Munbug.










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After Apollo, there where several Programs how to use the expensive hardware foe something else. The only one that was released was the Space Station "Skylab". One of those programs was the Manned Venus Flyby, with a Saturn V without a lander. I used Mulbin's Munbug.

Well done! I love seeing me ship being put through its paces. I think I will have to add a saturn flyby version to the next munbug.

Nice work on the four-panel SLA adapter. Clearly did a good job replicating the look of the Saturn V.

Thanks... it took me months of work and trial an d error to get it to work. For more info an the download for my craft the original thread is here...http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28073-New-Rebuild%21-Apollo-Replica-Munbug-XI-Saturn-V-CSM-Lander-Buggy-and-A-L-S-E-P


Or kludged like that.

I may have to begin work on this very soon...

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