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Question on transmission VS returns

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I just searched for the past hour for any info on this and didn't turn up anything regarding .23's science system as far as I could tell...

My question is. In .22 you could transmit all the data and never have to return. So whats changed exactly? I know you get only one use now until you get the lab. Besides returning some what getting expensive. Is there any reason to transmit still? Is it just for a temp boost in science till you can recover the craft?

Edited by tobjv
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In 0.23, it works like this:


1. If all you do is transmit, you can only ever get a max of 40% of the points available for that experiment in that location.

2. A single experiment can only be transmitted 1 time per ship per location per mission. So like crew reports. If you do a crew report in LKO and transmit it, you can't do another crew report in LKO with that ship. Well, actually you can go through the motions but it will give you zero points.

3. Each individual Goo and Material part by default can only be used 1 time per mission. Either you bring it home full or your transmit it. If you transmit it, you can't use it again.


The mobile lab adds 15% to the transmission efficiency when transmitting an experiment. So, IIRC you only get 20% of the returned value if you transmit Material. But if you run the data through the Mobile Lab first, you'd get 35% of the returned value. HOWEVER, this is still limited by the 40% overall cap on transmissions, except when the 15% efficiency buff puts you slightly over it.

The mobile lab can be used to reactivate Goo and Material after you've transmitted them. Or alternatively, you can EVA a Kerbal, fly him next to the Goo or Material, right-click, and collect the data from the experiment. Then fly him into the ML where he can store the data. You can then reactive the experiment using the ML, and at the end of the mission recover the ML with all the data stored in it.

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