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Advanced Fuel Flow help needed for Asymmetric rocket


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Most people after downloading 0.23 probably broke out the RAPIER engine to test it out, I didn't however, because I had a cunning plan to build something delicate with the new tweakables system.


Here it is:cool:

It flies excellently, doesn't have a very complex start up procedure and is 121 parts last I checked.


The Main tank fuel must be monitored closely by the pilot or the shuttle will being a spin of death around it's new COG (centre of gravity), once this happens death will certainly follow for the whole crew.

The Challenge:

Keep the fuel ratio in the 2 orange tanks (which make up the external tank) exactly the same throughout the flight using fuel loops.

What I would really like is if someone could rig it so that the fuel drains from both tanks at the same time and at the same rate

NOTE: I know that fuel adjustment may be necessary but if there is a way to take some of the micromanagement out of it,that would be great

Also I'm not releasing the craft file because a test rig with a 2 tank external tank and an engine should do fine in replicating the fuel flow dynamics at play here.

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Use any stack separator between the tanks (might have to run extra struts between both tanks and the orbiter as well to maintain structural integrity during liftoff) then run a fuel line from each tank to the orbiter.

So you have:

Top ->Orbiter

Bottom ->Orbiter

(tested and working in .22)

A truss separator would work as well, use a single short and then eight struts to brace the two tanks, thus negating the risk of accidental separation.

Edited by ihtoit
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