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[0.25] Simple Part Organizer v1.2.1


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Yes, I am using KAS.

Let me try to send you my mod dir structure.

 Directory of D:\KSP_Prowl_23_5_STA\GameData

04/13/2014 06:34 PM <DIR> .
04/13/2014 06:34 PM <DIR> ..
04/05/2014 12:04 AM <DIR> 000_Toolbar
04/08/2014 10:34 PM <DIR> ActiveTextureManagement
04/06/2014 10:59 AM <DIR> Bavaria
04/06/2014 04:58 PM <DIR> BeastlyScience
04/06/2014 04:30 PM <DIR> BobCatind
04/06/2014 02:10 PM <DIR> BoJaN
04/08/2014 10:31 PM <DIR> BoulderCo
04/08/2014 01:55 PM <DIR> BTSM
04/04/2014 09:05 PM <DIR> cBBp
04/04/2014 09:05 PM <DIR> cBBp_Dragon
04/03/2014 09:16 PM <DIR> CORE_ANVIL_172
04/03/2014 09:13 PM <DIR> CORE_DRFH_020
04/02/2014 10:15 PM <DIR> DMagic Orbital Science
04/11/2014 11:32 PM <DIR> Engineer
09/28/2013 03:45 PM 14,848 EnhancedNavBall.dll
04/04/2014 09:05 PM <DIR> EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
04/05/2014 04:01 PM <DIR> FASA
04/02/2014 07:55 PM <DIR> FuelTastic
04/03/2014 06:53 PM <DIR> Goodspeed
04/06/2014 11:02 AM <DIR> JSI
04/02/2014 05:02 PM <DIR> KAS
04/02/2014 05:02 PM <DIR> Keramzit
04/02/2014 05:02 PM <DIR> KerbalJointReinforcement
04/03/2014 06:54 PM <DIR> Kerbaltek
04/02/2014 05:09 PM <DIR> Kethane
04/02/2014 05:07 PM <DIR> KipEng
04/09/2014 09:50 PM <DIR> kommit_nucleonics
04/03/2014 09:11 PM <DIR> kommit_octotruss
04/05/2014 01:51 PM <DIR> KSPX
04/03/2014 05:52 PM <DIR> LazTek
04/02/2014 05:19 PM <DIR> M22 V1
04/11/2014 11:03 PM <DIR> MechJeb2
04/05/2014 04:01 PM <DIR> MechJeb2RPM
01/20/2014 03:59 PM 16,896 ModuleManager_1_5_7.dll
04/04/2014 09:04 PM <DIR> MultipleSavesDA
04/02/2014 04:20 PM <DIR> NASAmission
04/09/2014 12:26 PM <DIR> NavyFish
04/05/2014 12:05 AM <DIR> NearFuture
04/05/2014 12:06 AM <DIR> NewHorizons
04/08/2014 10:33 PM <DIR> OrbitusII
04/08/2014 01:56 PM <DIR> PartHighlighter
04/02/2014 08:49 PM <DIR> ProceduralDynamics
04/13/2014 06:34 PM <DIR> ProceduralParts
04/12/2014 05:57 PM <DIR> Prowler
04/02/2014 09:08 PM <DIR> RCSBuildAid
04/08/2014 02:27 PM <DIR> RealChute
04/05/2014 04:01 PM <DIR> SCANsatRPM
04/08/2014 01:56 PM <DIR> SDHI
04/02/2014 08:50 PM <DIR> SelectRoot
04/12/2014 05:05 PM <DIR> SimplePartOrganizer
04/09/2014 11:00 AM <DIR> SoundtrackEditor
04/02/2014 04:20 PM <DIR> Squad
04/14/2014 07:31 PM 1,870 toolbar-settings.dat
04/11/2014 11:07 PM <DIR> TriggerTech
04/06/2014 08:22 PM <DIR> TweakableEverything
04/05/2014 04:02 PM <DIR> UniverseReplacer
3 File(s) 33,614 bytes
55 Dir(s) 52,042,567,680 bytes free


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Just tried it today, I like it more than PartCatalog (what's bother me it's the loooonnnggggg time sub-menu stay on screen, building something became quite annoying when part/menu/mounted part all mixed together :mad:).

**** I have not payed enough attention to "mod to hide" just above those buttons ****

It's as simple as effective thanks for it, except for... select/deselect filter mod seems to be inverted, "selected" = not displayed on list, deselect = displayed.

(not indicated anywhere and there is no readme sadely :/)

Maybe it's the way it is and how it has been designed but in my mind "selected" means what it is, I want this, this mod should be included.

It's for the v1.1 (according to changelog).

And what's the meaning of the version number for 1.2 ? Quite confusing :confused:.

Is it possible also to add version into the compiled library ? (I guess it's a mono/any_other_dev_app_used option).

Edited by Justin Kerbice
add unseen important item :)
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  Felbourn said:
So far, unable to reproduce problem. Which versions are you using? I assume the SPO 1.2 and KSP 0.23.5 and the latest KAS et al?

Im using all the latest versions. I have multiple instances of ksp running where I testbed mods together before importing into my production build. Try to avoid conflicts as much as possible but sometimes its inevitable.

I can try to replicate my production build without KAS and see if the hickup goes away. Let me try that as soon as I get home this afternoon and get back to you.

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I can confirm without a doubt that something in KAS is breaking this mod. I have filtered a new install of KSP testing mod by mod and found that all my mods work with the exception of KAS. Sadly I can't live without my KAS.

Will need to break KAS into pieces to see where the conflict lies. Clues anyone???


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Almost forgot.

Here is a list of all the mods I tested that passed compatibility with this mod and each-other.

KSPX v0.2.6.1.zip
RealChute v1.0.4.1.zip
UniverseReplacer v4.0.zip

Edited by Prowler_x1
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  Prowler_x1 said:
I can confirm without a doubt that something in KAS is breaking this mod. I have filtered a new install of KSP testing mod by mod and found that all my mods work with the exception of KAS. Sadly I can't live without my KAS.

Will need to break KAS into pieces to see where the conflict lies. Clues anyone???


I installed 0.23.5 with KAS and Interstellar and had no issues. I probably need to make a special build with debugging in it to know more at this point.

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  Felbourn said:
I installed 0.23.5 with KAS and Interstellar and had no issues. I probably need to make a special build with debugging in it to know more at this point.

If you need to test anything on a broken install, I can give you access to my system. Send me a PM to work out the access details.

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  Prowler_x1 said:
If you need to test anything on a broken install, I can give you access to my system. Send me a PM to work out the access details.

Would it be easy or hard to ZIP your GameData folder? I could try to recreate your setup, but......

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  Felbourn said:
Would it be easy or hard to ZIP your GameData folder? I could try to recreate your setup, but......

For me it would be easy but you may be looking at 2.2gigs uncompressed. It might take a while to upload/download. Also I don't know how many distribution laws we may be breaking with each mod's digital rights agreements.

I do keep all my original installers organized in a specific build folder. I have posted this before with the exception of KAS and some custom personal mods. I can send you the list and send you what you cannot get anywhere else if you prefer.

However you decide to proceed is fine by me as long as we don't break any copyright rules.

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  Prowler_x1 said:
For me it would be easy but you may be looking at 2.2gigs uncompressed. It might take a while to upload/download. Also I don't know how many distribution laws we may be breaking with each mod's digital rights agreements.

I do keep all my original installers organized in a specific build folder. I have posted this before with the exception of KAS and some custom personal mods. I can send you the list and send you what you cannot get anywhere else if you prefer.

However you decide to proceed is fine by me as long as we don't break any copyright rules.

Dude, if you have spent more time reading and doing stuff then talking you would know that zipped size of gamedata is more then 3 times smaller then orginal, and how this misterious copyright violation really works. You're not changing source, you're not taking credit for mod, you're not making it avaible for anyone.

Simply chill out, dont panic and dont forget your towel.

Felbourn - check PM, you should have there link for my gamedata, I will remove it 24h from now. It's my main home server, upload goes about 6mbps so 720mb should not be such pain in the black hole as post above.

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Seems SPO isn't working for me, the buttons and initial menus show, but none of the submenus for filtering work, and none of the options in Sort work (the buttons don't even click). I'm assuming it may have something to do with Editor Extensions as they both deal with VAB/SPH stuff. Anyone else having a similar issue, or found a way to get both working? Any other known incompatibilities?

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  McOffsky said:
Dude, if you have spent more time reading and doing stuff then talking you would know that zipped size of gamedata is more then 3 times smaller then orginal, and how this misterious copyright violation really works. You're not changing source, you're not taking credit for mod, you're not making it avaible for anyone.

Simply chill out, dont panic and dont forget your towel.

Felbourn - check PM, you should have there link for my gamedata, I will remove it 24h from now. It's my main home server, upload goes about 6mbps so 720mb should not be such pain in the black hole as post above.

Could you be more clear? I don't understand what you're saying.


Edited by Prowler_x1
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Best goddamn thing ever when building. It's fantastic to be able to remove whole mods worth of parts when you don't need them. I don't need to see my B9 parts when designing a rocket. And then limiting to size and bam. Usually I only have a single page of parts to look at. It's...it's...it's beautiful.

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I love this mod! I have gotten completely addicted to it. When building, its a must. Which brings me to my question. I am trying out the Real Solar System mod pack and SPO has quit working. The buttons are there and they even can be pressed, but nothing happens. Is it a incompatibility with stretchy tanks or something like that?

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  Prowler_x1 said:
Could you be more clear? I don't understand what you're saying.

Always forgetting not to write complex sentences in english, sorry. But if you are referring to towel, i kindly ask you to read/watch The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy :)

What I was trying to say was that Felbourn and others mods authors already spended numer of hours on making mods for free. Asking him about EVERY little thing is, IMHO, little too much. Folder looks big? First try to zip it. If file is still too big then ask people what to do. Concerned about copyrights? Google it like crazy untill you be sure, and give poor developer a break :)

Edited by McOffsky
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  Prowler_x1 said:
The teamviewer session is still available if you want it.

Right after I said I had not found a problem, I was able to get a null reference exception. I'm adding logging to determine where it is. I assume I should have a fix today.

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  Felbourn said:
Right after I said I had not found a problem, I was able to get a null reference exception. I'm adding logging to determine where it is. I assume I should have a fix today.

Fantastic news.. *I mean* Sorry to hear that. Or vice versa.

I will stop uploading my GameData. "hurrah" freedom......

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