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Science Bomber


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So I made a rocket, that I thought would work and it doesn't (No a big surprise there). The thought behind my creation was to attach several probe bodies with the science canister, batteries, parachutes, and radial decouplers to create removable science vessels that are recoverable. As I fly through the ATMO I capture the science then decouple the experiment and allow them to re-enter atmo with parachutes already deployed. A sort of fire and forget science experiment.

My question to everyone is why doesn't this work? My probes seem to disappear approx. 1-2 minutes after being separated from my main vessel, leaving zero science goodies to be recovered for great scientific discoveries. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to use docking ports vice decouplers?




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I'm assuming your trying to drop the packages from a relatively stable orbit. At your apopapsis, drop your periapsis to ~30km. Decouple one probe immediately after, and then raise your periapsis back to 70+km. Now you can switch to your science package for its return! This will avoid any science packages disappearing. It requires a bit more time and fuel... But mostly time. Changing orbit by 80km should take less then 100m/s dV. More then worth it for some juicy science.

If that were the case wouldn't every other probe that I have despawn when it was greater than 2.5km or does it have to do with them re-entering atmo?

Probe or debris, makes no difference in atmosphere. In the vast expanse of space things won't despawn in this way. A uncontrolled vessel on a suborbital path is assumed to be doomed and gets deleted. This is why the above method is ideal for you. :cool:

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Flying objects get auto-deleted below approx 25km (might be 22km, can't remember for sure), if they are more than 2.5km from the current active object at any time. It's done like that to simulate debris burning up on re-entry, a very crude approximation. So, yes, it's only an in-atmosphere issue.

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That is a bit weird, I would've imagined as long as it has a probe core the game should track it.

Though once the game has stopped rendering it as an object it might also stop tracking that it has a parachute deployed and simple crash it into the surface.

It's done by design, to avoid needing to process the physics for it. In KSP, physics only exists temporarily for a 2.5km bubble around the current active object. The rest of the universe is "on rails", using a trivialised orbital path without regard to physics.

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Yes, it's all about the atmo. When you have a craft with an orbital path that takes it within the atmosphere of any planet (or a certian radius of any airless world) the game assumes that it will be slowed down by drag (or hit something) and be destroyed, parachutes notwithstanding. Thus the wayward craft/debris are summarily deleted. The exception to this is craft that are within 2500m of the craft you are actively controlling. Within that distance the game will start calculating the actual physical forces on the craft rather that making assumptions about what it will do. So as long as you either stay within 2.5km of the 'science bombs' or follow each one down (provided the next one doesn't enter the atmosphere until the first one touches down) your idea is quite solid. Have fun with it, you should be able to rack up a LOT of science that way!

Ed: curse you fat fingers! Your sloth has permitted the ninjas entry!

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