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How to pitch and roll on EVA?

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Hi guys, I've been looking for this but stills puzzles me.

While on EVA, you can translate in the tree axis with wasd/shift/control and rotate left/right with q and e, but what about if I want to put my kerbal upside down, or in horizontal position? I'm not sure if there are controls for that or it is something not yet implemented.


Edited by federicoaa
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You can pitch if you drag the Kerbal with the left mouse button. If you realign your camera to face his back again, and press space, he'll again orient in the earlier axis. I guess the only way is what Kasuha said, to change camera orientation.

I don't like that and I'd like them to have completely free movement in all three axes regardless of the camera.

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You can mitigate the camera orientation thing by going in to the settings.cfg file and -

wait, they put it into the in-game settings in 0.23 didn't they?

Okay then, go in to the settings and find the setting that turns off the Kerbal camera orientation, then the left click drag pitch/yaw changes will be preserved under thrust.

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I'll try that, thanks. (I have no idea how, but I'll try. :D)

Is there a way to turn on a proper chase mode in EVA? I want the universe to spin around a motionless Kerbal just like in Gravity. I have no idea why you can do that with crafts and not with Kerbals, too.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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