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Make a MIRV

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Introducing the ALL-NEW


The new and improved model of the well-loved Destructonator 7a, this new and improved model weighs in at a hefty 624.7 tons!

Armament: 40 SRB-propelled, Hydrazine-explosive-tipped stabilized SRBM's, Now with Spheroid Guidance Module for improved tracking and even remote guidance!

The Destructonator 7c is of course a hybrid airbreathing/liquid-fuelled vehicle for optimum lift capacity.

Note the efficiency-enhancing "Rebreather" effect of the twin turbojet "Ring of Fire" booster modules!

The Destructonator 7c, during initial engine pre-heat:


And here it is, showing the virtue of our patented "Rebreather" systems.


The Destructonator 7c, firing the fourth of five salvo's. The third salvo is just barely visible in the distance. (salvo separation < 0.5 seconds is advised, for optimal fire-on-target)


And here the orbital view, showing the unfortunate (soon to be ex-)target, with 40 incoming hypersonic explosive missiles! Note the efficient patterning of impact points, to ensure maximum death and destruction!


This presentation proudly brought to you by Blammo, the last word in mobile warfare!

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Hope you like my destructonator. ;)

Fact Sheet:

Ground mass: 634.8 tons. Flight mass: 624.7 tons (yes, 10 tons of support structure, clamp attachment points, and ground fuel tanks for jet engine revving. These get dropped 0.1 sec after launch)

Part count: 1364 (very, *very* close to my pc's limit.) A lot of it is the required reinforcing strut "stitching" between fuel tanks, etc. Why are Kerbal metals so squishy!?

Note the complete *scaffolding* I have to build between the two jet engine clusters, needed simply to prevent random failures between tanks, and mainsail engines falling off due to too much flexing.

First stage: 128 Turbojet motors, with 192 ramscoop inlets and 32 radial airscoops, and just enough fuel to reach starvation height at 42K.

Second stage: Mainsail, fuelled from a big Orange and a half! Too much mass, but needed to allow enough separation between jet engines in my ring-of-fire config. This gets me to orbit, barely.

Third stage: Mainsail, fuelled from an orange. Orbit tweaks, aiming, and deorbit burn. This could be smaller-fuelled, but I have the ring-of-fire saved as a subassembly, and no ways am i going to built another by hand if i don't have to. Get even one supporting strut angle unsymmetical, and the jet engine cluster will misalign, torqueing its way out of control.

Fun factor of the build: 8/10

Difficulty factor keeping it in one piece during launch: 11/10

The MIRVs: Small Solid Rockets, with a RCS fuel tank to provide a warhead with some "boom" on impact, and a stayputnik probe head for appearance, tracking ability, and you can even take it over and steer the thing while the booster is burning!


If anyone is wondering about the junkpile in the background in the launch pics, they are the remains from a slightly hard landing of one of my flying cities.

See here to see a flying city in action. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64380-10-Km-race-to-space!/page2

Edited by MarvinKitFox
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