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Condor Aerospace


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You know, I probably ought to get one of these newfangled showcase thingies everyone seems to have nowadays.

I was playing Thunder Force the other night, and remembered this scene:

. How do you get your little atmospheric fighter into space? Strap it into a much bigger set of engines and just fly straight up! AKA, the Xzibit maneuver. The larger vehicle is called the Brigandine unit in the game.

And that\'s when I got bored and decided that was what my plane in KSP needed. Unfortunately, KSP is still lacking gigantic laser weaponry, but I assume that\'s coming.

This was the original prototype. It didn\'t work.


The revised version. Now 30% shinier. And less prone to spontaneous combustion.


Vroom vroom


If I had kept boosting I would have entered orbit, but I decided to try and fly the plane to the other continent down there. Rest assured it handles space fine, I took it to the Mun once.


Ditching the Brigandine for atmospheric reentry. This has a bit of a habit of snapping my elevators off.


A more successful flight.


I\'ve attached the .craft file below, it\'s actually a slightly revised version. It needs the C7 and KW Challenger packs.

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It looks epic.

I actually tried the 'X-Wing' engine arrangement before but since I mostly build small fighters, the ship was too light and small to handle such huge power.

Nope we don\'t have laser weapons yet but you could easily mod a railgun shell to travel so fast that it just leaves a streak of smoke for a cheap shot at a \'laser\' :)

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