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Whats Your most Kerbal Sounding spacecraft name


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My lander is named the JHPR-L1 Impactor. My current career agency is Jeb's High Performance Research, L designator is for landers. Other rockets include JHPR-1 Burning Comet, JHPR-2 Munbuzzer, JHPR-3A Munator (Retrofit version), and JHPR-4 Super Explorer System. I try to make the names as Jeb as possible to fit with the theme of a Jeb led research lab.

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RocketRover 1-4. As the name suggests it was a rover made with the landing gear and a rocket.

V1 was science jr. and goo tank with a couple fuel tanks and the 909 engine in a straight line. It liked to tip over a lot so later versions placed the fuel tanks on outriggers to make it wider for greater stability. It could get over 60m/s with ease but if you hit a bump everything was toast.

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I've been naming my ships and launchers after ships from the Culture series lately. Some are pretty kerbal:


"Rubric of Ruin"

"The precise nature of the Catastrophe"

"Irregular Apocalypse"

"Transient Atmospheric Phenomenon"


"Death and gravity"

"Liveware problem"

"Zero Credibility"

"Rapid Random Response Unit"

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Well, I had the ForceFire series of spaceplanes, where I was trying to basically build a sideways expanding, runway launched rocket. With wings. And SRB's in the wings that detached.

There was the Flying Ant Ejectable Safety Cockpit prototype. It's an atmospheric glider with two ant engines and 2 sepratrons for deorbiting. It's used on just about everything because it was built in the highly likely event of everything going explodey.

Then there's the deceptively named "Flying Motorbike" which uses a pair of Oscar B fueltanks, those red Rockomax Radial engines (the ones that kinda look like a pepper), and Cubic Octagonal Struts to allow Jeb to fly around the space center. It's deceptive because it contains exactly zero wheels.

Then there's the Bottle Rocket Ion Glider. It's a small space-probe with an Ion Engine launched out of LKO with nothing but SRB's. It also has a MK1 Cockpit for punishing Greysuits. ("send him to the BRIG.") It's a glider because it's capable of surviving and landing on planets with an atmosphere. And was how I explored a lot of worlds in Sandbox mode.

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