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Viewing ship info such as fuel levels in map mode

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Ever since I discovered how to show the nav-ball in map mode, I do pretty much everything except taking off and docking there. My only complaint is that I have to flip back to ship view in order to see how close my current stage is to running out of fuel.

Is it possible to view fuel levels in map mode? I don't mind using mods if necessary, although I'd prefer to keep my game as stock as possible.

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Yeah, you just click the resources tab in the top right corner. If you mean by stage, you can't, at least I don't think you can with stock. I use Kerbal Engineer Redux (very handy mod) and it can show how much Delta-v each stage has left, so when it reaches 0 that stage is out of fuel. Link here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-kerbal-engineer-redux-v0-5/ (It's not cheaty mod whatsoever, it changes nothing, only shows you what you couldn't see before). It doesn't work unless you attach the parts with it under the science tab.

Edited by Mr.Rocket
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Well, if you look in the upper right hand corner of the screen you'll see a little grey tab called "resources". Mouse over it to view it breifly, click it to stare deeply at it. It will show you how much fuel (and electricity and monopropellant and whatever else) you have, but unfortunately, it only shows (as far as I know) the fuel in the entire vessel, so it's not very good if you want to know how much fuel is in your current stage.

As far as mods go, I would recommend either MechJeb (which does a lot of other stuff), and Kerbal Engineer Redux (which doesn't). Both of these mods will give you a detailed breakdown of how much delta-v you have left on your current vessel. Knowing the amount of delta-v is, of course, much more useful than the amount of fuel, since the amount of delta-v obtained from a given amount of fuel varies depending on the engine it's being burned in.

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Thanks for the quick replies!

Don't the GUIs from those mods hide themselves along with the other stuff when you switch to map mode? Is there a way to keep them visible or am I remembering things incorrectly?

Mechjeb does not.

People say Mechjeb is cheating. In career mode, you only start out unlocking the basic module (which is a few branches in) and that has no auto-pilot functions except minor ones like, you can have it point to your pro/retrograde, maneuver node, etc, but you still must manually burn and set up nodes. You can create custom windows that shows only data you want and it shows on both map and rocket view.

Its useful to have a window that shows total delta-v, stage delta-v, delta-v left in time, apoapsis and periapsis and current alt all in one window you can have on the map screen.

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I was going to mention that too, but there's one snag here as well.

This option seem to count all fuel between horizontal couplers only. So if one has a stage with a central fuel tank and engine and 'helper' tanks and engines attached with vertical couplers to this main one you still can't see when their fuel runs out and when to drop those 'helpers'.

Greets and seasonal best wishes,


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