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Xander Shadow, the kerbal killer!


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Greetings one and all!

After a few nudges from folks, and some recent events I was informed about ON here; decided to finally make a forum account!

A few of you will know me from http://www.twitch.tv/xandershadow where I've held KSP and other game streams on occasion (Being plugged by Spootyman: biggest win ever)

I haven't streamed in a while due to some personal issues, including the recent death of a man who was like a father to me. BUT!; I will be resuming streams soon!

My current followers know me for... well, let's just say I don't bring many kerbals back alive when I play KSP!

I tend to build contraptions and crafts no sane mind could envision; including my ever famous EKMP (Eight Kerbal Missile Platform) which fires pilotable missiles.

I'm also looking into streaming other games, like DayZ Standalone Survival Guides and Loot Spots, as well as Battlefield 4 (Because my few fans love seeing me smeg up royally! you know who you are!)

On a different note: I was recently informed that some people were worried a person called Xander on here (Not been supplied a account name) was me, and has apparently been stirring up quite a lot of annoyance from some of you.

So, I just want you guys and gals to know:

If it isn't XanderShadow; it isn't me!

This is my ONLY KSP Forum account, and the official one now!

Xander Shadow, the Kerbal killing Bunny

Signing out!

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