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1.25m Rescue Mun Lander

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Hello everybody. I am kind of new to Kerbal Space Program, but I already have 36 hours of gameplay and I can make my way around... But I'm not a good rocket engineer :P

I am in career mode in 0.23 and I got my first kerbal to the mun, but the problem is... That I didn't calculate the fuel right and Bob Kerman with the lander are stuck in the Mun, with no fuel and limited Life Support (I got only ONE shot at this). Now the complicated part: I am not advanced in the tech tree and I only got 1.25m Rocket parts. Fortunatelly I have all 1.25m fuel tanks and Engines, but I do not have RCS, only the simplest inline reaction wheel and AV-R8 Winglet, no precision engineering (small fuel tanks, RCS tanks, fuel ducts, etc) and no docking. I have the Stayputnik, basic eletric systems (small batteries and 1x6 and 2x3 solar panels), basic communications (communotron 16 and Comms DTS-M1) and LT-1 and LT-5 Micro landing struts.

Mods I'm using: Remote Tech, KW Rocketry, B9 Aerospace (do not have any aerodynamics yet, so it doesn't make a difference), Ferram Aerospace Research, Deadly Reentry and TAC Life Support.

I have a Simple but working Communications Satelitte Orbiting Kerbin, so sending probes to the Mun are not a problem (as I did send before... it's still there :P)

So could you help me build a Rocket with the limited parts I have that is able to Land on the Mun and come back?

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If they are running low on LS then use your first mission to land two pods, food water etc, and a powersource. This way you will have more time to rescue them.

And you only have to get the supplies within about 5km or so. You can jetpack that distance skimming over the ground, so you don't have to walk the whole way. But be sure the supplies have an empty pod so Bob can refuel his jetpack. That way, he can skim another 5km to where the eventual rescue ship lands ;).

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Something like this should be at your tech level. It will get you there and back no problem (needs 4x more batteries, but since you have solar panels that would probably be better). Put a Stayputnik on top (and make sure to clear the crew manifest) and use radial chutes instead and you should be good to go.

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Something like this should be at your tech level. It will get you there and back no problem (needs 4x more batteries, but since you have solar panels that would probably be better). Put a Stayputnik on top (and make sure to clear the crew manifest) and use radial chutes instead and you should be good to go.

Thank You very much, I'll try it out, I have everything there but the stairs.. but on the mun stairs ain't that necessary, nothing that an EVA jetpack can't do.

I didn't know about this Kerbal Engineer Redux Mod, damn that thing is all I needed :sticktongue:

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If you wish to do it non probe style and actually wish to send a kerbalnaut, I like blazing's recommendation of sending a care package first.

When it comes to the actual rescue, I recommend the "Lawn Dart" style lander. Is my own term pretty much, but I use it for reference to aerodynamic drop pod style ships with no exposed components during re-entry phase. Here is sample pod picture for what you pretty much want getting to orbit. I prefer to fly cowboy so when I separate the mun transfer engines, I will sometimes have a bit of fuel left. 5000km to deploy the decel-orbit engines then finish landing on the quads.


De-orbit so that you leave mun counter to munar orbit, a simple atmo break and you are home. I recommend following for getting it up. Attach to the lander engines the long tanks with the 45 engines powering it. Affix enough booster to get those into orbit without using them since you will need them at the moon. For early boosters, my favorite to use are a sub assembly that consists of the long tank with a tri couple on top to make them a pack of engines. I have two subs for each early on. One that attached via the tri coupler, and the other that attaches radially. This is because whatever part was attached when you pulled off for the sub is what will attach when you use said sub assembly.

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