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Food, Water, O2,Co2,Repair

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That would be nice to have food/water/o2/co2/repair

so that if you build a space station you have actually something to do like , make a trip to the station to bring supplies (food/water) and if they need oxygen too

If something broke like solar panels , u do eva and then you try and repair it.

(pardon my english)


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Food/water/o2/co2 all fall under Life Support, which is on the [thread=36863]What Not to Suggest List[/thread]. It's a common suggestion, but to the best of my knowledge Squad's current stance on the matter is that it will be too much micromanagement for the game.

And repairs are already possible -- you can repair wheels, for example -- although solar panels cannot presently be repaired, and we do not know if/when that capability will be added. Solar panels are, after all, not something you can simply do a patch job on like wheels. You can repack parachutes too.

Anyway, everything here is WNTS or else already implemented (at least partially), so I'm thinking I'll have to lock this, sorry. :)

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