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How do I stop similar parts "bunching up" in the same stages?

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Noob here. Just started playing this game properly, and have been having some trouble building rockets. The rocket builder sometimes doesn\'t let me place struts between parts (multiple attempts are required). Parts bunch up in stages (see below), and after a failed launch, some struts disappear or \'break\' in the vehicle building area, meaning I have to place tham again.

Okay, so just now I placed a set of six struts after placing 2 sets of 3 struts. They\'ve all bunched up into one stage, and I can only move all 12 between different stages. When I delete any of the sets of struts to place them again, the new struts automatically drop into the stage that the other struts are in. How do I move each individual strut or set of struts between stages? For the rocket I\'m making, I can\'t have all the struts break at any one stage. I\'m on the lastest version (v0.13.01 I think) and using stock parts

I\'m also having the same problem with fuel tanks. Not sure if it\'s a bug or not... Any help would be much appreciated :)

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One thing that you might not have been aware of is that struts don\'t break when the stage they are in activates, so when you have a strut between two parts, the strut will only let go if one of the parts is decoupled from the other or if the parts break apart. Because of this, I can\'t think of a reason why the stage your struts are in should make a difference in function.

As far as the strut placement issue, it\'s a side effect of the way struts function, which is to fix the second anchor at the first intersection between the given start end points. I don\'t know the specific mechanics of it, but I think there\'s some opportunity for adjustment and optimization there on the developers\' end.

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In general, it doesn\'t matter what stage the struts are in (hmm... it might maybe be an idea to make them hideable so they don\'t clutter the staging list... maybe a suggestion to make...), they are 'always on', just like fins or fuel lines, and they will detach automatically when the couplers that hold the stage they secure blow.

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