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Corvus II CTV - you WILL go to space today!


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Are your stations empty, or overcrowded? Do you absolutely, positively need to put three or fewer Kerbals into orbit? Is cleaning up messes left by rapid unplanned disassemblies becoming a chore?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, I have just the ship for you! Using an inefficient sleek design and "able to return without leaving junk up there", the Corvus is a great workhorse for those flights when the goal isn't getting far, but getting there safely.


- An overcomplicated elaborate launch escape system and a simple fairing

- Soyuz-style retrorockets. Yes, Kerbonauts can now do landings over solid ground without breaking their teeth...not that they have many :rolleyes:

- Auto-deorbit feature for the final stage. Starring engines for antsTM!

EDIT: gallery is slightly outdated. It now looks like this (Freud would be proud)


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Download here. (right click -> save file)

Edited by Ravenchant
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Sorry for the slight necro.

File updated! The new version has a better launch escape system and tweaked retrorockets (your capsule now shouldn't bounce off the ground - 50% less nausea-inducing) :rolleyes:

Also, there are now action groups which can deorbit the injection stage without needing to switch vessels.

Hope you like it! :)

Edited by Ravenchant
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