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Random Solar System Idea Fix

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In an interview with PC Gamer, Squad said they could have ksp generate a new solar system from scratch, but they weren't interested because everyone's save would differ from one another. This is a problem because people wouldn't know about what planets you'd have in your save, so when you approched them saying you landed on planet 'Zog', they'd have no idea where and what 'Zog' was and how much of an achievement it must be for you. Conversations about how your Duna base was would end, and how Jeb flew and SRB into Dres backwards along with it. Long story short; It would be too different. But don't fret! I've thought of a solution!

What if at the start of your new save, Ksp selected a Solar System from a list of 5 or ten ready made systems. That way, people could say- for example; '' I landed on planet [X] in system [Y]. I've begun development of a base there''. So the idea is all well and good on paper, but then comes the process of development: 1: ideas for systems. 2:selecting ideas. 3: Modeling and coloring said planets and moons in said system. And finally, 4: implementing them in numerous updates. Step 1 could be solved by looking to the community for help. Step into the suggestions discussions and you'll find plenty to do with solar systems and planet ideas. step 2 could be done through a competition of some sort. Moderators could judge. Step 3 and 4 will probably be done by devs or modders.

Now, before you begin to shout hate at this thread, bear in mind it's only a suggestion. I'm not demanding to see this in update 0.24 or any time soon. It's just an idea. Thanks for reading.

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Having a number of solar systems would be a bit unnecessary I think, considering the fact that they're still constructing the present first one.

Which is already confirmed to have at least three more planets and 40 more moons. [Link]

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I sort of like the idea of multiple solar systems, but not as the default. I think they should keep the Kerbal system as it is (after all, it's basically the Earth system, and that's part of the fun), however, I also think they could add a "random solar system generator" option when starting a new game to keep things interesting for those of us who have already explored the default system.

If you wanted to make the new solar system's really interesting, you could shake things up by randomly selecting which planet becomes the Kerbal home world. Obviously a gas giant wouldn't work, but it could be an interesting challenge if Kerbal ended up on a planet like Eve...I see problems though...nevermind.

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