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Fire and Forget industries presents: The FaF Science Probe!

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Have you ever needed a chuck of self propelled science? Do you care about never getting it back to Kerbin? Then do we have the product for you:



The Fire and Forget Science Probe!

As you can see, this probe is tiny, but it sure packs a punch. Powered by two Rockomax 24-77s and fueled by advanced quantum toroidal tanks, this little probe has a mass of little over 3.2 tonnes and a Delta-V of 2122 m/s, this can perform deorbit manoeuvres on any celestial body! But don't take our word for it, take MechJeb's:


So, how about a small demonstration? A Minmus landing:


Here we are in a stable 30km orbit around minmus, taken there via our master pilot Hi-Peer E-dit, and where we begin our deorbit manoeuvre.


Due to the low gravity of Minmus only a minimal retrograde burn was required.


Here we are about to touch down. Because Minmus has no atmosphere, the onboard parachutes are useless, but it has plenty of fuel so some more retrograde burning later:


Here we've touched down on the surface, ready for some SCIENCE!

Order today! (Launcher not included) FaF Science Probe (Google Drive link)

Be sure to install the Craft file into your Subassemblies folder.

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