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I landed on the mun!!!!


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Congrats! Sometimes on this forum it's easy to forget that not everyone is at the same level of playing, and seeing posts like this reminds me that we were all new once. Gives me happy memories of my first Mun landing. Keep it up and before you know it you'll be exploring the moons of Jool!

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I remember when I only had the v0.13 demo, and I first landed on the Mun.

I more-or-less paved my own way to the distant rock, but I did take the advice of a YouTube tutorial, which said that fins attached by stack decouplers made good landing legs. Remember those days, anyone? :)

I slowly backed my way down, flared the engines and successfully landed. When the craft stopped wobbling around and remained upright, I was instantly hooked on KSP.

Congratulations. You have done it. Now, go forth and explore the rest of the Kerbal universe!

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