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Eve Landing and Exploration with 'The Arrow' - One problem...

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After finding both the Interactive illustrated interplanetary guide and calculator for KSP and a protractor, I've managed to clumsily maneuver my prized flagship called The Arrow Mk1 to Eve. After a successful landing, I dropped my kerbal onto the pink giant to gather some info and samples, as I believe to be the norm after an interplanetary flight. I plant my flag and grab some soil, and then make a jump for my crew hatch.


I seem to have forgotten the effects of a high gravity and air density planet include little jumps.


Anyone got any idea how I can tip over my ship on foot? It's not got any unmanned-control or anything... I can load my quicksave from Apoapsis on decent but I still think tipping the ship over might be a tad difficult.

Anyway - to those of you who haven't found it, don't know, and suck as much as me, the IIIGACFKSP is a great little tool, requiring you to get yourself into a relatively stable orbit and put in your altitude to the nearest km, then input the body you're orbiting and a destination, and it'll show you when to start burning, what speed to burn to, and what angle to burn at - if I was a little bit more accurate with a protractor, I could have made a jump without burning from Kerbin to Eve, but I am not, and I also decided I should burn out the descending nodes and such to line the orbits up nicely. Anyway, give it a shot if you're still struggling on the less erratic planets' landings.

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