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[WiP][Web] Science List Application - v0.3 - (30/12)


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Alrighty then. A thread appeared recently where someone was asking for a science checklist, and after some searching I couldnt find one that was both comprehensive and up-to-date.

"But Celem, 0.23 added the science archives feature! So whats the point?", I hear you cry.

Well as you probably know the science archives show science you have actually collected, whether it was returned to Kerbin's surface or not.

However it does not list any science that you have never sampled. This makes some sense in-game since this info is really a spoiler.

And so, I have designed a complete database of every piece of science possible within the game. As such this entire web application constitutes a spoiler, access at own discretion.

Requirements: Any modern browser capable of running Javascript.

It should display correctly on any of the major browsers and is HTML5 compliant.

Link: here - You can right-click on the page once it loads and save a local copy if you wish, the application will function just fine offline.

Disclaimer: This is a development version, theres a few bits on my to-do list, including double-checking that eve/laythe's ocean/land biomes work like the kerboin system'sthey dont.

Planned Features:

Filters and overviews - some buttons for you to sort/filter/exclude, view all, print-friendly etc.

Checklist - Some method of turning this from a list into a 'check'list so that you can track progress, means dealing with persistence and influences layout/design (would be cookie based)

Mission planner - add experiments to a planned mission, see readout of science yield for a return/xmit/labxmit style mission.

Visual Updates - Make it pretty, less bare-bones.

Refactoring - Code always needs cleaning

Licence: The licence is a customised version of OpenBSD. Without getting complex you can do absolutely anything and everything with the application, provided you credit 'Celem' as original author. Unlike the more common GPL licence the OpenBSD does not stipulate which licence you yourself must apply to derivative works. Go nuts, but dont forget me.

Source: The source is available by right-clicking the page once it loads and hitting 'view page source' (exact menu option may vary by browser). All javascript is in-line and therefore viewable through this method. The application makes no external calls. No data is sent from or recieved by your computer if locally saved and run offline. If run through my website above then the only data traffic is the initial pageload, all scripts are client-side.

Feedback is welcomed. Layout and presentation suggestions are also most welcome


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v0.1 - initial

v0.2 - fixed some incorrect data for in-atmosphere experiments, changed colors to make it colorblind friendly, minor layout change and code clean

v0.25 - fix for Eve and Laythe whose Ocean/Land biomes are surface-only. Atmosphere and upward homogenised.

v0.3 - Surface Sample included (oversight), layout tweak, legend added to table

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v0.2 is up, now with correct data for the experiments in atmosphere and some visual changes. Next up will be a better method of presenting the generic experiment situations to make it more intuitive. I'll probably run a second table.

edit: discovered laythe/eve land/ocean are not true biomes, but surface only biomes like Launchpad/runway/ksc. v0.25 incomingdone.

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Is it possible to add an "All" button? or a way to print out a chart showing all bodies and biomes? I'd like a paper copy I can use to check off what I've done.

Thanks! Great work! Very helpful.

Yep mate, i'll start working on some filters and overviews in my next few versions. v0.3 is actually done but I cant get it up to my host yet. I also noticed suddenly this morning that I dont have 'acceleration data'.

I've also come up with an idea for a mission planner calculator whereby you can select a bunch of experiments to add to a 'mission' and it will then tell you how much science that mission is worth. Should also help plan how many of each experiment to take and is already designed, gonna hold it a version or two till the layout is settled and I iron out remaining issues..

edit: v0.3 is up.

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  • 1 month later...

Nice job. I'm looking for some kind of "Science check list" to be sure not forgetting a niche. Or to avoid landing two times in the same Mün Crater. Ok I'm lazy I dont want to use paper / pen.

Is there a hope to see this mod pursued ? Will it be "in game" checkable ?

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  • 4 weeks later...
That never even occured to me, but is a good point. Will have a think about some alternatives

That's a solved design problem, you can google answers to it. Note that as long as they are distinguishable from each other, you're okay -- so different saturation comes out darker/lighter and can be distinguishable.

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