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First Time Leaving Kerbin SOI [or at least the first time doing it professionally]


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After getting things in orbit and landing on the Mun and Minmus, I decided to send an unmanned probe out of Kerbin's SOI. This probe was named: Starreach 1. This mission would be a complete guess as I had no idea how fuel was actually going to be required. Once the construction of Starreach 1 was complete, I launched it a few days later. (which is actually today, Dec. 28th)

The mission was planned to go like this: once construction was complete, a Poodle engine would do the ejection burn out of Kerbin. Once that engine's fuel was gone, a second Poodle would take over with a smaller fuel supply. This second engine would "park" us out just outside of Kebin's SOI. The science would be done, and a retrograde burn would send us home. Once the second engine fuel was gone, a small LV-909 engine would serve as a backup to get us home.

Actually, the mission turned out far better than expected. The first Poodle engine had about a third fuel left when we left the sphere of influence. The science I then conducted was worth hundreds of science! I transferred the last of the fuel to the first engine's fuel tank, it was almost full again! While the other two engine were inoperable, the first engine still had enough fuel to turn us around and get the probe back on Kerbin's surface.

I was able to upgrade the tech tree a little more (though not too far because things are worth 300 science now), and next up on the list are nuclear engines! Duna, here we come! :D

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