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File editie impact tolerance on stock rover wheels.

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Hello there. I'm looking for a way tot modify stock rover wheel rovemax model xl3.

I want tot because im building a super sized rover that acts also as a base. A incredible project for sure. The rover is zo huge that its wheels cover themselves over the edges of the launchpad. It consists over 500 parts. The problem with my available rover wheels (stock) ones is that their impact tolerance does not support the Weight.

Because when i drive over a hill and the wheels Come down again usually one perhaps 2,wheels come down first. And my super rover has 28 wheels.

But the default impact tolerance of the stock rover wheels dont tolerate that 1 of 28 supporting wheels suspension gets to hold 50+ tons. So they flatten ons by ons.

Your first response might be that it might be a alternatieve tot use mod wheels that meet the demands. Do you have a adviced mod?

However im typing thuis thread on my smartphone. Because I got internet problems on my main computer locally. Expecting tot get it repaired on monday when the shops open again.

Zo if.its possible to edit the rover wheels xl3 in the meantime? So i can work out my project straight away. Im sorry for spelling mistakes due tot typing on my smartphone. I hope you can help me.

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When you get back onto your computer, go to your KSP directory, then go:

KSP Folder>GameData>Squad>Parts>Wheel>roverWheel3> then right click on the file named "part" and open it in notepad. Scroll down the notepad until you find the crashTolerance and impactTolerance. After that just set their values to like 999999 or something.

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