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INVESTIGATE: Alien Artifact!


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There's something in Kerbin's L3 point, and Kerbal scientists haven't a clue what it is.

As you may or may not know, the L3 point is a stable orbital configuration in which an object may orbit with 1:1 resonance on the far side of the sun--in other words, always staying behind the sun from (in this case) Kerbin. (Sadly, KSP doesn't support true Lagrange points, so in this case we're pretending the L3 point simply shares Kerbin's orbit. Stay with me, here.)

Whatever is at that point, though, it's emitting a strong, regular radio signal, almost like a beacon. Being behind the sun, though, it's signal is obscured by the sun's own strong radio emissions, and Kerbals have no way to observe it directly.

The scientists call for a mission to investigate. Are you game?

Installation and Setup

This mission is distributed as a new scenario. To install it, download the (zipped) scenario file here:

Unzip it, and move the "Alien Artifact.sfs" file to the saves/scenarios folder in your KSP installation. It should now show up in the "Scenarios" list when you open KSP.

Challenge Rules

  • You are not allowed to "fly" to the artifact via the tracking station until after you finish the first phase.
  • You may not (at any time) actually control the artifact. You may not extend or retract any parts of it, or adjust its orientation in any way. (Once docked with the artifact, in phase 2 and later, you may "steer" the artifact as part of your own vessel. No other aspect of the artifact may be adjusted.)
  • Points within each phase are not cumulative; you are awarded only the highest score for which you are eligible.
  • Any mod is allowed, but you must clearly state all mods used.
  • Any appropriate proof of each phase will be accepted. Screenshots are preferred, showing clearly your eligibility for each score you claim.

The mission phases are as follows:

1. Unmanned Fly-By

The first investigation must be via unmanned probe. You must send the probe to within 5km of the artifact in order to successfully pass this phase. The probe must be equipped with at least three science instruments, one of which must be an antenna or communications dish.


  • Pass further than 5km from the artifact: failure. You cannot proceed to phase 2 until you go within at least 5km of the artifact.
  • No communications dish or antenna, or fewer than three science instruments: failure. You cannot proceed to phase 2 until you build an appropriate probe.
  • Pass within 5km: +1 point.
  • Pass within 2km: +3 points.
  • Pass within 1km: +5 points.
  • Pass within 500m: +7 points.
  • Rendezvous (match velocities) with artifact, and approach within 20m: +10 points.

Doing this entire phase without a MechJeb autopilot doubles the reward.

Achieving any points in this phase allows you to "fly" to the artifact via the tracking station, but you may not (at any time) actually control the artifact. You may not extend or retract any parts of it, or adjust its orientation in any way. (The only exception is that you may dock with the object in order to retrieve it--see phase 2.)

1b. (Optional phase) Manned rendezvous

For bonus points, and after completing phase 1 as described above, you may also send a manned mission to the artifact.

If your manned vessel passes within 100m of the artifact, give yourself +5 points.

If your ship includes a mobile science lab (and sufficient kerbals to man it), give yourself another +5 points.

Give yourself +1 point for each kerbal you sent.

If you are using any life support mod, give yourself another +2 points for each kerbal.

All kerbals must be returned safely to Kerbin. For each one that fails to return, you take -5 points. (This means you may find yourself in the red if things go badly, here!)

Lastly, you may combine this phase with phase 2, and even phase 3 if all the requirements are met.

2. Retrieval to Munar orbit

Once scientists have had a chance to process the information obtained by the fly-by, they wish to be able to observe the artifact directly. You must design a mission to return the artifact to Munar orbit. The object must not--at any time!--come closer to Kerbin than 5,000 km, which means you cannot aerobrake in Kerbin's atmosphere. The object must complete 2 full, consecutive Munar orbits in order to pass this phase.

  • Complete 2 full, consecutive Munar orbits: +1 point.
  • As above, but eccentricity must be < 0.001: +5 points.
  • As above, but orbital inclination is < 1 degree: +10 points.

Doing this entire phase without a MechJeb autopilot doubles the reward for this phase.

3. Manned Inspection

Now that the artifact is conveniently nearby, scientists want a chance to investigate it first-hand. Construct a mission to send four scientists and at least one pilot to the artifact. (Thus, at least 5 Kerbals.) The mission must include at least a Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2, and one hitchiker module. It must dock with the artifact, and remain in orbit for 7 days (168 hours). Upon finishing this mission, the Kerbals must all be returned safely to the surface of Kerbin.

  • 5 Kerbals dock successfully with the artifact in an appropriate research vessel: +5 points.
  • Each Kerbal lost during this phase: -5 points.
  • Rotate the entire crew at least once during the seven days: +10 points. (This means sending a new crew to the artifact, and sending the existing crew back to Kerbin--but the artifact must be manned continuously during this rotation.)

If you have any life support mod installed and active in this phase, you get a +5 bonus. If you have the Deadly Reentry mod installed and active, you may have another +5 bonus. Doing this entire phase without a MechJeb autopilot doubles the reward for this phase.

4. Retrieval to Kerbin

After the scientists return and their findings are thoroughly studied, it is found that the artifact poses no threat and contains no hazardous materials. The scientists therefore decide that the artifact could be best studied on Kerbin itself. You must design a mission to fly the artifact from its Munar orbit safely to the surface of Kerbin.

  • Artifact probe core survives the trip: +1 point.
  • As above, and the science instruments on the probe core also survive: +3 points.
  • Artifact survives perfectly intact: +5 points.
  • As above, and the probe touches down on dry land: +10 points.

Further, landing within 50km of KSC gives you another +5 points. If you have Deadly Reentry installed, give yourself yet another +5 points.

Doing this phase without a MechJeb autopilot doubles your reward for this phase.

Edited by jamis
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My own attempt:

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I started well, but had a significant setback in phase 3 when I ran out of electricity on return from the Mun, and wound up killing all 5 Kerbals. Ouch. :( Even aside from the emotional trauma of losing Jeb, that set me back 25 whole points!

My score, then:

Phase 1: rendezvous with artifact, and approach within 20m: 10 points. No MechJeb: x2. Subtotal: 20 points.

Phase 1b: Not attempted.

Phase 2: Two full orbits, eccentricity < 0.001, inclination < 1 degree: 10 points. No MechJeb: x2. Subtotal: 20 points.

Phase 3: 5 Kerbals successfully docked with artifact: 5 points. TAC Life Support: +5 points. 5 Kerbals killed on return: -25 points. Subtotal: -15 points.

Phase 4: Artifact touches down intact, on dry land: 10 points. Deadly Rentry: +5 points. No MechJeb: x2. Subtotal: 30 points.

Total: 20 + 20 - 15 + 30 = 55 points.

Definitely could have been better!

[Edit] Mods present: Toolbar, Crew Manifest, Deadly Reentry, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Kerbal Alarm Clock, MechJeb, RLA Stockalike, TAC Life Support

Edited by jamis
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Hello what do you mean with 'You are not allowed to "fly" to the artifact via the tracking station'?

I just send a probe there with ease but I selected the artifact as target in the mapview to plot the course. I guess this is not the desired way, but I have no idea how it is possible to get there given that one needs to get within 100km or so to see an object in the normal fly-mode screen.

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Hello what do you mean with 'You are not allowed to "fly" to the artifact via the tracking station'?

I just send a probe there with ease but I selected the artifact as target in the mapview to plot the course. I guess this is not the desired way, but I have no idea how it is possible to get there given that one needs to get within 100km or so to see an object in the normal fly-mode screen.

I just meant that you cannot select the artifact in the tracking station, and then click the "fly" button. You may certainly target the object in order to navigate to it.

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The default scenarios are set up to disallow access to the space center. The scenario I've uploaded for this challenge starts you at the space center, and allows you to return to it as often as needed. (That took some experimenting to figure out...!)

Thanks for giving it a shot! I'd love feedback on what would make the challenge better. I'd like to try more scenario-based challenges, now that I'm figuring out how the format works.

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Ok not really a challenge (especially with mechjeb), but a nice single player mission. Having it presented as a scenario was convenient too, so it does not clutter up the savegame list.

1. Unmanned Fly-By

- The probe must be equipped with at least three science instruments, one of which must be an antenna or communications dish.

- Rendezvous (match velocities) with artifact, and approach within 20m: +10 points.

- Doing this entire phase without a MechJeb autopilot doubles the reward.

--> 10*2 = 20 points


1b. (Optional phase) Manned rendezvous

- If your manned vessel passes within 100m of the artifact, give yourself +5 points.

- If your ship includes a mobile science lab (and sufficient kerbals to man it), give yourself another +5 points.

- Give yourself +1 point for each kerbal you sent. (+5)

- All kerbals must be returned safely to Kerbin.

2. Retrieval to Munar orbit

- Complete 2 full, consecutive Munar orbits, eccentricity must be < 0.001, orbital inclination is < 1 degree +10 points.

3. Manned Inspection

- 5 Kerbals dock successfully with the artifact in an appropriate research vessel: +5 points.

--> 5+5+5+10+5 = 30 points

4. Retrieval to Kerbin

- Artifact survives perfectly intact and the probe touches down on dry land: +10 points.

- Doing this phase without a MechJeb autopilot doubles your reward for this phase.

--> 10*2 = 20 points

--> 70 points altogether

Mods used (some more installed but not used): Kerbal Alarm Clock, MechJeb

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Ok, here is my work-in-progress. Not nearly complete yet, I will be editing this post as the situation develops. Will mark it *clearly* as complete when it is so.

First things first though.

+1,, no +3 for the challenge idea.

Decent rationale, practical steps & limitations, and for me at least, a doozy of a mission. L3 rendezvous has some nasty delta-v *or* time requirements, almost as bad as visiting the outermost planets. And it's not as if you can just sit around and wait a bit, for the orbits to align themselves better! Doing an interplanetary intercept & rendezvous without selecting the target, just visually, is *nasty*.

Your scenario mentions docking and retrieval, so I want to be sure I have the right tool for the job. Who knows *what* interface the Aliens use in their technology? Its not as if they will use a standard USB interface for their computer, or a regular clamp-o-tron for docking! (wot, Will Smith says they do!?)

So, here is the initial probe ship.

Equipped with my patented Swiss-Army-Docking-Conglomerate, as well as a few science instruments.

Among others: Thermometer, Gravioli detector, Seismometer, Barometer, Science Station jr, Grey Goop, High and Low focus light beams, various Solar panels as light sensors, a dish to phone home, and a sensor nosecone, carefully positioned to deliver an an*l probe if needed.

The ship:


And here it is on duty:


Funny enough, the only thing that gave meaningfull data was the hands-on test of docking systems. Seems a clamp-o-matic junior is a close enough fit.

Got a few drops of fuel left, and I am already docked, lets see if we can nudge this here thing into a slightly more convenient orbit. L3 is for the pits!


Well, it took all my fuel, including every drop of RCS and a three-planet grand tour, but I got it a bit closer.


Note how I very carefully respect the 5000-km quarantine zone.

Now assembling the "manned rendezvous" and various "retrieval" submissions.

Edited by MarvinKitFox
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