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The joys of docking


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I have been taking it slow in career mode and unlocked the docking ports a few days ago. Since then I have been attempting to send an orbital science base(processing lab, 3 man command pod, 2 small tanks of matching diameter, and 8 large radial RCS tanks) and lander to Mun or Minmus.

The lander went into orbit with ease due to modifying the design I used for successful 1 stop and return landing with plenty of fuel left in the accent stage. After much tweaking I managed to get the base unit into orbit by launching with empty tanks and draining the last of the fuel in the lifter. Since then I have been learning through trial and error the art of docking.

My closest run so far had the 2 craft bounce off each other at under 1 m/s but the ports were no where near aligned. While correcting to make another attempt I accidentally pressed space instead of N and separated from my fuel stacks so the attempt failed.

Jeb remains trapped in orbit due to the lander not having any chutes while he awaits rescue. Getting close though so it is only a matter of time before I learn to finesse the controls to get it done.

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Here's a trick. When you get your first ship in orbit, have it point directly north and on the horizon on the navball, then turn on ASAS. That way, when the second craft comes up to dock, you'll know that to be perfectly aligned, you just need to be facing due south on the horizon. This only works north/south but it's useful.

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Also highly recommend Navyfish's Docking Port Alignment Indicator. Even if you don't like mods, this is a one to consider.

I'm also a fan of the Lazor Docking Camera mod which does the same thing, but allows you to see what's going on from the perspective of the docking port. Not sure if it's been updated for 0.23 though.

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Also highly recommend Navyfish's Docking Port Alignment Indicator. Even if you don't like mods, this is a one to consider.

One of the most useful mods. Useful as in “Ten minutes? Good, that leaves me enough time to dock my ship with the space station, refuel, undock, undock the lander, dock the lander to my ship AND make myself a cup of tea†kind of useful. Without the Navyfish mod I'd only manage the tea.

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