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Computer OS?


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So, I have 3 computers that I want to wipe. I know I need a windows disk for that, and I want a windows 7 disk, the computers are 2 laptops and a desktop. I know one laptop is 7 and I'm pretty sure the other is 7 also, but the desktop is XP. Would I be able to instal windows 7 into a computer that originally had windows XP or would that somehow not be compatible?

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So long as the hardware will support W7 (RAM and chipset are typically the deciding factor), all you'd need is the "upgrade" version of Windows for that. Otherwise, a full version works in pretty much all circumstances.

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Reinstalling the 2 laptops should be fine, once you have the OEM key for each (should be a sticker on the pc).

If you're planning to use the XP OEM key to licence a copy of 7 on the third pc, that won't work, but that's a licencing issue, I'd expect 7 to install fine on the pc otherwise tbh.

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