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KSP Refresher (batch script, need halp)


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Okay, so im a person who plays with a heavy amount of mods installed, for me eventually after a while of so many crashing, the actual stock ksp files get corrupted/broken, and cause more crashes. So im working on a very simple script, what i did was take my original totally mod free version of ksp .22 and put it into its own zip file. I wanted to make it so you could modify it without too much trouble for your own setup, or add a prompt to ask you where youd like the backup.

Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program

12/31/2013 09:25 AM <DIR> .
12/31/2013 09:25 AM <DIR> ..
12/31/2013 09:25 AM <DIR> Kerbal Space Program 0.22
12/19/2013 12:27 AM 488,906,387 Kerbal Space Program 0.22.zip
12/31/2013 09:15 AM <DIR> postdata
1 File(s)
4 Dir(s)

The directory structure is confusing, so i will explain the variables here.

dest=C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Steam\SteamApps\common\"Kerbal Space Program"\22\

Is the location of the top most directory in this install. Its a subdirectory of my steam updated ksp.

postdest=C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Steam\SteamApps\common\"Kerbal Space Program"\22\"Kerbal Space Program 0.22"\"Kerbal Space Program"\

Is the full path of KSP.22 in this case. (gamedata, ksp.exe are in here)

C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Steam\SteamApps\common\"Kerbal Space Program"\22\postdata\

Is where the backup is made to, gamedata, saves, ships, resources and plugins are all saved.

Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program

12/31/2013 09:15 AM <DIR> .
12/31/2013 09:15 AM <DIR> ..
12/31/2013 09:26 AM <DIR> GameData
12/31/2013 09:14 AM <DIR> Parts
12/31/2013 09:14 AM <DIR> Plugins
12/31/2013 09:15 AM <DIR> saves
12/31/2013 09:15 AM <DIR> Screenshots
12/31/2013 09:15 AM <DIR> Ships
0 File(s)
8 Dir(s)

The basic idea of its usage is like so:

1. Backup user modifications(mods, saves, ships, resources)

2. Delete ksp, all of it.

3. Restore KSP

4. Restore mods

5. ????????????

6. Profit!

@echo off
rem ##############################
rem this script does not work yet
rem ##############################
title KSP Refresher 0.1
set 7zip=C:\"Program Files"\7-Zip\7z.exe
set dest=C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Steam\SteamApps\common\"Kerbal Space Program"\22\
set postdest=C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Steam\SteamApps\common\"Kerbal Space Program"\22\"Kerbal Space Program 0.22"\"Kerbal Space Program"\
set predest=C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Steam\SteamApps\common\"Kerbal Space Program"\22\"Kerbal Space Program 0.22"\
set zip=%dest%"Kerbal Space Program 0.22.zip"
echo Performing Precleaning..
rd /S /Q %dest%postdata\
mkdir %dest%postdata
mkdir %postdest%postdata\GameData\
echo D | xcopy %postdest%GameData %dest%postdata\GameData\ /S
echo y | del /f %postdest%GameData\Squad\
mkdir %dest%postdata\Parts\
echo D | xcopy %postdest%Parts %dest%postdata\Parts\ /S
mkdir %postdest%PluginData\
echo D | xcopy %postdest%PluginData %dest%postdata\PluginData\ /S
mkdir %postdest%/Plugins\
echo D | xcopy %postdest%Plugins %dest%postdata\Plugins\ /S
mkdir %postdest%Resources\
echo D | xcopy %postdest%Resources %dest%postdata\Resources\ /S
mkdir %postdest%postdata\saves\
echo D | xcopy %postdest%saves %dest%postdata\saves /S
mkdir %postdest%Screenshots
echo D | xcopy %postdest%Screenshots %dest%postdata\Screenshots /S
mkdir %postdest%Ships
echo D | xcopy %postdest%Ships %dest%postdata\Ships /S
echo Preclean and backup ready, beginning wipe...
rd /S /Q %predest%
%7zip% x %zip%

Backup works perfectly, i just cannot seem to delete KSP.... Windows 8. Once i get this working on windows i can easily make mac and linux versions, i know bash much better than i do batch.

Edited by KFS
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