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[SHOWCASE] Most insane Aircraft

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*snip I made another SSTO, not exactly an "insane" design, and this will actually acheive LKO, but it looks cool ^^


That's v. cool! and large,... and covered in flaps!! What that a aesthetic choice or does it help with take off or something?


oh, I meant to mention that, inspired by your SR-71 I'm also attempting to make one. However my first attempt last night melted into a puddle of wings on the runway! moar struts needed!

Yours was pure stock right?


Edited by katateochi
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<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/u0zXW/embed"></iframe>

Just a few designs who actually worked and flew - more or less. The first one showed in that album is the machine responsible for the death of my first (and only so far) Kerbalnaut.

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Well, here is my old supercargo plane, the Red Elephant. It could take off with 72 tonnes of cargo, and had docking ports for vehicles along with enough fuel to haul that 72 tonnes of cargo out to that large island a third of the way across the island, drop the cargo off, and land on the runway.


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To be honest, I've only just begun dabbling with aircraft. I'm still something of a newbie at the game... been here, what? Six months? I have a couple, though.


That's a Blohm und Voss style asymmetrical aircraft. Was able to fly and land it just fine.

I haven't yet made a supergiant aircraft. Will eventually, but that remains on my to-do list.

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To be honest, I've only just begun dabbling with aircraft. I'm still something of a newbie at the game... been here, what? Six months? I have a couple, though.

That's a Blohm und Voss style asymmetrical aircraft. Was able to fly and land it just fine.

I haven't yet made a supergiant aircraft. Will eventually, but that remains on my to-do list.

Whoa, whack is making planes now? How long before we have a 3000 part monster flying over Kerbin.

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Here's an old one of mine, using modified DR Rotatrons. It needed an insane amount of modded strength struts to prevent the torque from the counter-rotating rotor from ripping the whole thing apart (it very nearly does at 1:23). Shame about the Z-fighting on the launchpad!

Also see if you can spot the two camera vehicles!

Edited by Excalibur
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one from a bunch of patches ago, don't even have this one any more.

Designed to recover splashed-down capsules via a top-mounted docking port, there's a sort of gantry crane affair in there that can roll up and down an inclined ramp to allow for the different heights that varying capsules float at... this video doesn't exactly show it off all that well, since that capsule was pretty well aligned anyway.. but anyhoo..

And yeah, completely and utterly stock. (from Ye Olden Days, too)

50 odd tons of it, too.

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Here's perhaps my favorite stock plane that I built, the 'Holey Cow.'

It has a hole in it! It has capabilities vaguely resembling a VTOL! It flies pretty well, actually! It has Emergency Panic Parachute Recovery! What more could you want?

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That's v. cool! and large,... and covered in flaps!! What that a aesthetic choice or does it help with take off or something?

Thanks! Flaps needed to achieve more lift. 140 tons needs a deal ._.

oh, I meant to mention that, inspired by your SR-71 I'm also attempting to make one. However my first attempt last night melted into a puddle of wings on the runway! moar struts needed!

Yours was pure stock right?

Yep ^^ All stock, except mechjeb and engineer chip. And yes, prepare to spam struts! :D I'm looking forward to see it! Also, if you want som extra real challenge, make it SSTO cabable :D

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Here's an old one of mine, using modified DR Rotatrons. It needed an insane amount of modded strength struts to prevent the torque from the counter-rotating rotor from ripping the whole thing apart (it very nearly does at 1:23). Shame about the Z-fighting on the launchpad!

Also see if you can spot the two camera vehicles!

I don't think I've laughed harder at any Kerbal creation.

You win!

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Lazer Cut - your Skylarker looks like it came straight out of GI Joe.

Excalibur - I'm seeing blades from the Ninja food processor.

Everyone - really great work. These are insane, but let's see how much more over the top you can get :)

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I made it as ridiculous as it is because I wanted it to be able to fly ANYWHERE on the planet..and it CAN with lots of leftover fuel, and as a private chuckle over "intake spam".

The thing sitting on top is my refueling "truck", all of my planes can be refueled using it and a tanker, which Kerbin is being strategically seeded with.

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WPFC - Wacky Perpatual Flight Craft

The other day I was a bit bored, so I built a plane!.. A special one! The idea behind it would be to fly slowly to admire the view, and possibly even to land (like a plane) on top of the VAB! Sounds like a crazy idea, excellent for when you're bored! So I built it like a sailplane paying close attention to the center of mass..

I bent the winds just for style and for the landing gear to touch the ground before the plane...

The extraordinary part, however, is that this plane does not need engine power to fly! (Jet engine and fuel are only included for compatibility to other aircraft by pilot demand). Perhaps due to some strange Koriolis force, the plane starts moving on the runway, and as it reaches 22 m/s it can already start flying! Further investigation on this perpetual motion craft revealed that it can accelerate by pitching down & up, and that rolling left/right also accelerates! This makes the plane hard to slowdown in flight, and that is the reason for the parachutes..

It is still unclear why it was designed with landing gear attached to decouplers... So please avoid pushing random buttons by chance inside the cockpit!



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@ FilDays: These "I have no clue why these things fly"-planes without any propulsion are surely fun to fly and experiment with. I like the relaxing flights with them, far away from roaring rocket engines and exploding somethings :D

http://i.imgur.com/13KrxTW.jpg . I posted this earlier, this is also such a "sailplane", but with full SCIENCE!-capability (and rover wheels. I like rover wheels). With an earlier design of this, without the heavy experiments, I managed to get this up to 3000ish meters and close to 100m/s. I'm sure with enough testing and good piloting these are far more capable.

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Yep ^^ All stock, except mechjeb and engineer chip. And yes, prepare to spam struts! :D I'm looking forward to see it! Also, if you want som extra real challenge, make it SSTO cabable :D

Thanks for the inspiration Lazer Cut, this has been a really fun build. Its taken me a few days to get this sucker flying right but finally I've got a working SR-71 which is 100% stock. In terms of speed and climb rate it beats the real SR-71 and I also got it to SSTO.


Having got it working pure stock I decided that what would really make it fly even better was a lick of paint so I used the KerbPaint mod on it.


In total it has 8 Jet engines and two LV-30s with one intake per Jet engine. The tanks that hold the Jet enignes are mounted on a girder, but they're rotated 180 degrees along their central axis so they overlap with each other and the LV-30 is mounted directly to the girder. It's a kind of compound engine with the Jets overlapping into each other with the LV-30 right in the middle of them. A bit like a home made RAPIER but a load more powerful and the jets and rockets can run at the same time so it looks (and performs) like it has an after burner.


On its way to orbit;


The jets carry it to 30km and get it up to 1500m/s, then the two LV-30's are enough to get it to a 100km orbit with enough fuel spare to de-orbit.

Here it is in orbit;


It's also got an "oh crap oh crap everything's gone wrong" system for the two seater cockpit. Several decouplers and a load of septrons blast the side panels clear of the cockpit and eject it;


(I tweaked the brightness on these two pics to make them clearer)

And a couple more pics for good measure;


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Well, i was building Ki-624 (reference image bellow), and rather than shifting the center of mass towards the center of thrust, like i did Blohm und Voss, i wanted to make the center of lift point towards the center of thrust (the closest thing i can thing of is trying to make the center of thrust point at the center of mass when building a shuttle).And everything was going and everything was going fine, the plane was drifting to the side just a little, so i wanted to shorten the distance between the engine and the cockpit and move the engine a bit.But no, the SPH decided it's the perfect time for the assembly bugs to knock on the door!


Made this pic.As you can see, there's no name and the buttons are grayed out, sign that you pretty much lost everything you worked on.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Thanks for the inspiration Lazer Cut, this has been a really fun build. Its taken me a few days to get this sucker flying right but finally I've got a working SR-71 which is 100% stock. In terms of speed and climb rate it beats the real SR-71 and I also got it to SSTO

Kateteochi, that's just fricking awesome! I bow my head to you good sir, you deserve the SR-71 replica award :D I really love the aesthetics, it's so fricking smooth ^^

I've been working on a Battlestar Galactica replica lately. I'll update this post with my prototype when I get home from school. :3

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