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Modded KMP server!


Career or sandbox  

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I'm looking to create two modded KMP servers, focused on long term playability.

A little info

We are running a dual server setup, where one is with PvP and one without. I might start looking at making a peaceful Career mode server, but don't get your hopes up ;-)


-Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

-KMP (duh)


-Kerbal engineer

-KSP Interstellar





-Lazor system (no missiles)






-Active Texture Management


-Extraplanetary launchpads

And the PvP server will also have

-Lazor missiles

-InfiniteDice's aircraft carrier and submarine parts

-AKSTechnologies Weapons pack

-Gatling gun

-TAC Self destruct


PvP server:

-Me (Head admin)

-Krosulhah (Admin)

-bgraves (Moderator)

Peaceful server:

-Me (Head admin)

-SlenderFan (Head admin)

-Classyjakey (Admin)

What's new?

-I have set up a working web page with URLs to all mods. (I messed up and deleted it, I'll start working on it again as soon as the servers are ready)

-Added Kethane and EPLP to the mod list

Hope to see you on the server!

- Kvick

Edited by KvickFlygarn87
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I have a suggestion, How about InfiniteDice's Aircraft carrier and submarines, Good mod; http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24845-Boat-Parts-Carrier-Parts-R3-UPDATED%21/page94

He is also making Naval guns/boats and special aircraft weapons (Torpedoes, bombs and stuff like that)

I would like DRE, but then again, your server, Your choice.

The other mods look fine to me.

Edited by Krosulhah
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I'm generally a fair person, I dont mind taking peoples opinions on what they want into account, but big decisions like what mods you want are obviously up to you

(I assume this is just like an admins position?)

(because if its like Co-payer (If server is paid for) I actually cannot pay for anything...) D:

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Count me in on this. At first I was bummed about the decision to not include Kethane, but your reasoning makes sense; our bases would be made obsolete every time we load.

Mechjeb is good, if only because it eases the task of finding players to have fun with (not everyone can properly rendezvous, or land precisely near their friends).

FAR seems like something we'd want, so I'd be interested as to why you don't want to include it. Does it create problems in a multiplayer setting or do you just not like the mod?

I'll recommend some mods now, but I'm not sure how exactly this will work, so they may not be compatible with a server for all I know.

1. KAS, because it's cool and awesome.

2. Hooligan Labs Airships, because they're cool and awesome.

3. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, because it's awesome and realistic.

4. Firespitter Propeller parts, because they're cool.

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KAS, totally forgot about that!

Hooligan labs, sure buddy!

KJR, this mod is clientsided with no parts, so no need to run this on the server

Firespitter, I might include the entire pack.

Also, I don't want FAR because it flips my **** all over the place. But I suppose I could learn to build for FAR if a lot of people want it...

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Disclaimer: this list is extremely me-centric due to lack of experience with 32-bit Windows (I run Win7 64-bit, which maxes out at 4GB instead of 2 or 3* for large-address-aware 32-bit stuff), KMP, or other people's spacecraft.

Stuff I'd like to see:

  • FASA: Ever since BobCat added ECLSS support to the Soviet Pack (and I couldn't get rid of it with a custom ModuleManager CFG+deleting the ECLSS DLL), I've switched to FASA's Big Gemini for Kerbin-to-orbit crew transport. 8 Kerbals per launch should also cut down on the amount of on-orbit launcher debris.
  • Kosmos SSPP w/ low-res textures: I make extensive use of Kosmos parts in my space station, crewed lander, and IPV designs.
  • Active Memory Reduction Mod: Should help w/ RAM usage on clients (DXTn-compresses textures as they load).
  • NovaPunch: The tanks aren't as light as the ones in KW Rocketry, but at least NovaPunch has 5m tanks and engines (nice to have, can help reduce vessel part count)
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (depending on how KMP reacts to mixed KJR & non-KJR clients, especially during joint operations): Because placing struts ranges from boring to rage-inducing
  • KSP Interstellar: I only use this for the nuclear reactors, but removing it kills one of the best ships in my IPV program (Grand Tourino-class, powered by a 1.25m KSPI fission reactor). Downsides include a new thermal management system for solar panels & a whole bunch of stateful tech-tree-related stuff, so it probably won't work.
  • Near-Future Propulsion Pack w/ low-res textures: Handy to have for interplanetary ships (especially with KSPI fission reactors)
  • RLA Stockalike: Or anything else that provides a 1.25m to 4x0.625m adapter
  • Porkjet's inflatable modules: Again, nice-to-have for interplanetary stuff (assuming KMP syncs animations, AFAIK the plugin works by reading the current animation state & Kerbal population when you try to add a Kerbal or deflate the module)
  • ORDA: It uses less RCS fuel than MechJeb, and it knows how to dock with the Kosmos APAS-69 (MechJeb tries to dock with the side of the target port for reasons unknown/unfixable by anyone but the Kosmos team). Listed here because, like MechJeb, it uses a few custom parts.

Stuff I'll put up with (and maybe even use), but wouldn't ask for:

  • Lazor System: Handy for rescuing EVA'd Kerbals, but "shooting missiles at your buddies" and "long-term playability" tend not to go hand in hand, especially if someone decides to shoot a missile/Sunbeam/etc. at the shared refueling station that took six people and several real-life months of shift work to build.
  • RealChute: I have no experience with it, but I'm planning to install it anyway...
  • SDHI Service Module system: Replaced by FASA's Big Gemini in my space program, but other players might find it useful
  • SDHI FusTek modules: Which version, 3.x release or 4.x dev build?
  • Most parts packs

Stuff I wouldn't like to see:

  • FAR: Excessive RAM usage, giant flight data panel blocking my view, rockets spinning out of control
  • KW Rocketry: Has better tanks than NovaPunch, but most of its engines are worse and the textures are huge.
  • Deadly Re-Entry: Burning up on re-entry is so much more stressful than not burning up on re-entry.
  • Lionhead Aerospace's European Pack: Nice to have, but a major RAM hog.
  • Any sort of life-support mod, including ECLSS (therefore no un-modded American Pack or Soviet Pack)

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Well, I'm against large packs, but some packs couldn't hurt too bad, like Kosmos. How much do the other packs hurt the performance?

EDIT: I might make 2 servers, one PvP (with Lazor missiles) and one friendly server (without Lazor missiles)

Edited by KvickFlygarn87
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i could be a admin On your KMP server,I could Look for hackers,trollers,etc in chat and interact with people! and try to keep the server friendly :)

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