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Jeb's Rover Design Chalenge

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Jebadia Kermin want's rover. He's decided to award the engineer whom can make the best one for him. He put post posters up around town advertising the contest. You saw a poster. You wan't to win. You saw this on the poster.

Hello, I'm Jebadia and I wan't a rover to fit my needs. Make a rover test it and give me a copy for scoring. So, without further ado, here's the rules:

1:The rover must have at least one seat or capsule for Jebadia to sit in.

2:The .craft file must be available.

3:It must have a docking port for refueling.

4:It must work in stock .23.

5:No cheats may be used.

And now, the scoring, witch is made of multiple sections.

Atmospheric: 1 times the maximum speed on Kerbin using jet engines


Planetary: 2 times the maximum speed on any non-atmospheric body using rockets


Aquatic: 30 times the maximum speed in Kerbin's oceans


Motored: 35 times the maximum speed using rover wheels

times the maximum physical time warp it can sustain movement in all speed categories.

Added to an achievement score:

Stability: +10 for the ability to turn (yaw and wheel turn) at full throttle. Awarded in categories atmospheric and non-atmospheric.

Stunt-ability: +50 for ability to drive up a crater or mountain and land unscathed at full throttle. Awarded in categories atmospheric and non-atmoshperic.

So what are you wating for? Let's get building!

Edited by K3achas
Rule clarification
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