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Lagrange points, apollo style orbit and spheres of influence

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One of the things I tried to do lately was to setup a ship to orbit mun like the diagrams from the Apollo missions looked like. It seems though that the planets and moons have a finite sphere of influence outside of which their gravity doesn't effect my ship. I've gotten close to that style of orbit but never getting it like the old diagrams. This leads me to questions:

Do planetary bodies have gravity influence outside of their sphere of influence? This would be crucial for finding Lagrange points (where I would like to drop space stations or probes). Do Lagrange Points (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrangian_point) actually exist in this game?

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You can fake L3,4, and 5, but they are not true langrange points. AS far as setting up a free return from Kerbin orbit to the mun and bck, it is possible, but its going to take some maneuver node tweaking. What Apollo did was they initially set up a free return trajectory, then performed a munar insertion burn and then circularized their orbit. a truely apollo style mission can be done in KSP, but there are no Lagrange points.

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