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Veto Aerospace 'Inca Tern' LTOL cargo spaceplane

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The VA Inca Tern is a long range cargo carrier, with space for a medium sized satellite or small spacestation/spacebase slung under the fuselage. Its large wings give good glide time, and it has reasonable maneuvrability with low risk of fatal control failure. Its two gimbaled engines provide the thrust for space travel, orbital insertion, and descent control. Its unusual landing gear, partly comprised of a typical water skid/pontoon setup, partly land skid/hardpoint/pontoon setup. The latter has proven itself capable of providing both shock absorbance and strength against damage. These make up the majority, being 3 of the five gears. Horizontal takeoff speed is ~=100m/s, if pulling up. Recommended landing speed without power is anything below 60m/s. Anything below 100m/s is possible with engines running. Water landings are not recommended, but are survivable.

This craft is a Long Take Off and Landing type, and is intended to be landed without assistance from RCS. Although it will be fitted with RCS for maneuvring in space and possibly Munar landings, these don\'t have to play any role whatsoever during landing, either to slow it or to prevent it impacting too hard. Both can be managed by normal ASAS. Do not attempt landing with SAS on.


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