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KOS Controlled Drop Pod

John FX

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I`ve made an orbital drop pod which is controlled by KOS which uses Realchutes. Does the whole scary drop pod bit. Deorbits with retrorockets, waits until the very last second to pre-deploy the chutes (1000m) and the chutes open at 700m and take 4 seconds to open so they just slow the craft down to about 1/6 the speed of sound by about 45m. The program then activates deceleration thrusters for about 2 seconds that cut out 5m from the surface or so and BLAM. Landed at under 10m/s.

Perfect for spy missions, getting that last best hope behind enemy lines and so forth. Good for all the times you need to get from orbit to the ground as fast as you can with no fuel in a radar invisible one Kerbal craft.

I`ve made a little video too...

Doodbin Kerman has been sent on a super secret spy mission behind enemy lines. He has to launch pre-dawn and land at dusk on the far side of the planet. He will take the new Mk1 DropPod which has been shown to be reliable 37% of the time to the odds are better than normal. He must not use any fuel in the atmosphere above 50m for super secret spy reasons or carry a large chute for weight reasons. the chute will not slow him below 100mph so we have fitted a radar activated thrust pack which will activate at 46m to slow him the rest of the way.

We are thinking we might be able to shave 2-3m off that...

Full video from launch to land.

Time remapped video with slowdown for landing.

(Video shows old script which used staging, downloadable version uses action groups and is much more reliable Also, burn in video is prograde, not retrograde as it should be)



Get it into orbit (up to about 120km) point prograde and run drop. You will fire rockets retrograde (from the top of you pod), you will deorbit and land.

This was made as a demonstration of the possibilites of KOS and Realchutes.

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