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My first manned moho mission, how'd I do?


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Forgot to take screen shots of the departure. Here was my delta-V used:

Kerbin->Mohoian apoapsis Hohmann transfer: 2 km/s

Kerbol circularize/Moho intercept: 3 km/s

Moho capture to low orbit: 1 km/s

Moho landing, launch, and rendezvous with propulsion module: 3 km/s

Moho departure to Eve encounter: 3 km/s

Eve gravity assist to Kerbin apoapsis and inclination adjustment: free (monopropellant for fine tuning)

Kerbin intercept: 0.5 km/s

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Unfortunately I didn't realize I forgot to add any of the small science instruments until after I got there, otherwise my science returned would have been way higher! Doh!

edit: why isn't the imgur album frame working any more?

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The lander needed two engines minimum to have enough TWR to land and take off from moho. It's full fuel Moho surface TWR was 2.0. I like to have a TWR of at least 0.3 for the transfer module otherwise transfer burns take an annoyingly long time and it's more difficult to get accurate precision burns. With only two engines the TWR of the whole vessel was about 0.05 :(

Edited by quantumpion
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