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Utilizing the Oberth effect

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The frustrating part:

Using the previous post to create a highly efficient Duna intercept using "method 3" taking 1165 dv, followed swiftly by spending 1800dv correcting an inclination that's almost 90 degrees to ike (which I was heading for)


Set up a slingshot to a Duna aerobraking, note the delta V this similar maneuver maneuver took.


Otherwise, this is what mid course corrections are used to avoid. Try to get a intercept that places you on a collision course, then, as soon as you get into Duna's sphere of influence, do a second correction burn to aerobrake into orbit at the plane desired. very little fuel is needed at such distances. (F5 and F9 can be your friend here.) Don't get too low into Duna's atmosphere as even a 1800 delta V maneuver can be slowed down to a direct landing.

Edited by SRV Ron
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