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My swag from a meet-and-greet


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Today, I went to a friend\'s hockey game, and learned that later the Olympic Women\'s Hockey team from Canada would be playing. I bought tickets and saw a great game, though the Olympians lost to semi-pros in overtime. After, there was a meet-and-greet with those women, and I got some cool stuff signed.


A puck, non-used, signed in silver and gold by Sammi-Jo Small, #1. She\'s a goaltender. Also, sorry for the redaction of my name.


This the back of the puck, signed in silver by... er, I don\'t quite remember. All I know is that it says JBC #5.


The back of a programme I had signed by the entire team.


The back of a toque I had signed, again by the entire team. Wait until the boys at school get a load of this!


The front of my toque. Hockey fans, get your shotguns ready!

NOTE: This is kind of my landmark against SOPA. If this thread gets taken down due to copyright, then I will become a die-hard activist. However, if anyone thinks I should redact it anyway, let me know.

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