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[1.2] TweakableEverything 1.16-beta - For all your part tweaking needs


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It seems like there's something not-quite-right about the version of Toadicus Tools that's packaged up with Tweakable Everything 1.8. Steps to reproduce:

* Take a fresh copy of the KSP 0.90 ZIP archive and un-archive it.

* Extract TweakableEverything-1.8.zip and copy the contents of its GameData into the fresh KSP folder. That's Module Manager 2.5.9, Toadicus Tools and Tweakable Everything.

* Start a new sandbox game.

* Click away the annoying "this is the space center" tutorial guy for the millionth time.

* Go to the VAB.

* Click away that annoying tutorial guy.

* Spend five minutes looking through the settings file to confirm again that no, there's no obvious way to turn those guys off.

* Choose one Mk 1 Lander Can.

* Launch.

* On the launchpad, send Jeb (because it's always Jeb) out on EVA.

* Right-click him and observe the absence of a thruster throttle slider.

I discovered through trial and error that if I delete the Toadicus Tools folder that came with T.E. 1.8 and instead use the one that's available from kerbalstuff.com (which identifies itself as ToadicusTools-5.zip when downloaded) that TweakableEVA seems to work as expected. I think so anyway. I haven't actually gone through the process of merging Toadicus Tools 5 into my real game folder yet to confirm that it works in a live setting. But if you carry out the above recipe using that Toadicus Tools instead of the bundled one the result is as expected, so I'm pretty confident that it'll work in a real, modded game. Doubt you'd have released it otherwise.

Anyway, thought you'd like to know. Thanks for making one of my must-have mods.

EDIT SOMETIME LATER: Actually I screwed all that up somehow. I thought the combination of T.E. 1.8 and Toadicus Tools 5 (both downloaded from kerbalstuff) worked, but I got it wrong somewhere. That combination does not work; when I tried that combination on an otherwise virgin KSP, Tweakable EVA did not appear to work. Sorry for the mix-up.

Edited by jefferyharrell
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Good catch, jefferyharrell, and thanks for that stunningly-thorough bug report! I broke EVAManager out of ToadicusTools, thinking I might distribute it on its own, but totally forgot to include it in the TweakableEverything package. You can go grab the DLL here; just put it anywhere in GameData and you should be good to go. I'll update the TE packages shortly.

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Oh, terrific. Thank you so much. I can confirm that putting EVAManager.dll into GameData (I dropped it into the TweakableEverything folder but of course it could go anywhere) absolutely solved the problem. I can upgrade my main game to 1.8 now. I've only just discovered the EVA throttle feature and now I can't live without it. I always dial it down to 10% on every EVA, no exceptions. How you people can play with it at the default setting I have no idea.

If you're open to suggestions, maybe consider the possibility that the thruster throttle multiplier could be set to a default global value in a config file? I don't mind setting it on every EVA so much, but it'd be nice to put a "0.1" in a .cfg someplace and forget it.

Thanks again for … gosh, everything.

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CKAN won't install EVAManager until I get it into distribution somewhere more official and write a NetKAN file for it. AntennaRange uses it, too, so I can't just tell TE to unpack it. You'll need to do it yourself until I get that sorted.

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Edit: I posted a Ship Manifest bug in the wrong browser tab. As for bugs for this, my decouplers all say force -1 in the editor but they seem to work fine otherwise.

Edited by Nerezza
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If you're open to suggestions, maybe consider the possibility that the thruster throttle multiplier could be set to a default global value in a config file? I don't mind setting it on every EVA so much, but it'd be nice to put a "0.1" in a .cfg someplace and forget it.

I'd second that. Full thrusters are great for getting around low-grav surfaces but for the majority of EVAs you want them dialed way down

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I have the worst bug report ever.

1. Start with a fresh copy of KSP 0.90.

2. Install MechJeb, Procedural Fairings 3.11, Kerbal Construction Time 1.1.2 and Tweakable Everything 1.8, all by the prescribed drag-and-drop-to-GameData method.

3. Launch KSP and start a new sandbox game. Dismiss the Kerbal Construction Time start-of-game dialog box; its settings are irrelevant. Go to the VAB.

4. As your root part choose an "Interstage Fairing Adapter" from Procedural Fairings. (It's in the Aerodynamics section.)

5. From the Pods section, choose a "Mechanical Jeb Pod version 2.0" part and attach it to either of the upper nodes on the interstage fairing adapter. (The adapter has two nodes; one floats above it and the other is on its upper surface. Both nodes lead to the same behavior so pick whichever is convenient.)

6. Right-click the interstage fairing adapter. With the right-click menu up, attempt to move the camera around by the right-click-and-drag method of orbiting. Note the extreme lag in the scene. If you maneuver the camera to the right angle to see the trucks moving around in the background, you'll see they're moving at just a few frames a second. This persists until you dismiss the right-click menu.

The reason I'm posting this here is because this behavior disappears if I do this:

name = ModuleTweakableDecouple
decouplerModuleName = ModuleDecouple

In other words, the behavior only appears if ModuleTweakableDecouple is on ProceduralFairingAdapter … and then it only appears if one of the parts connected to the adapter's nodes has MechJebCore on it … and then it only appears if Kerbal Construction Time is installed. (Which is why I'm copy-pasting this message into the Kerbal Construction Time thread as well.)

"Harrell, where is your log file?" There's nothing in the log file.. I know, right? This kind of behavior you'd expect to be related to a zillion null reference exceptions (or whatever) flooding into the log file, but nope. Here's the whole shebang, from the start of the VAB scene:

[WRN 10:35:01.316] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to EDITOR (Async) =====================
[LOG 10:35:02.012] Parsing string
[LOG 10:35:02.751] No Input Locks in effect right now
[LOG 10:35:02.904] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KCT_VABEditor' from assembly 'KerbalConstructionTime'
[LOG 10:35:02.904] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KCT_SPHEditor' from assembly 'KerbalConstructionTime'
[LOG 10:35:02.905] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'EditorScreenMessager' from assembly 'ProceduralFairings'
[LOG 10:35:02.923] ------------------- initializing editor mode... ------------------
[LOG 10:35:02.923] editor started
[WRN 10:35:03.011] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.011] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.012] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.012] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.012] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.012] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.013] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.013] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.014] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.014] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.015] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.015] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.016] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.016] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.016] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable
[WRN 10:35:03.016] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.016] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.016] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable
[WRN 10:35:03.017] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.017] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called
[WRN 10:35:03.017] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable
[WRN 10:35:03.025] BorderedTilingSpriteMesh: Mesh has 300 or more vertices and might not be dynamically batched!
[WRN 10:35:03.025] BorderedTilingSpriteMesh: Mesh has 300 or more vertices and might not be dynamically batched!
[LOG 10:35:03.076] 2/11/2015 10:35:03 AM,KerbalConstructionTime-KACWrapper,Attempting to Grab KAC Types...
[LOG 10:35:03.082] 2/11/2015 10:35:03 AM,KerbalConstructionTime-KACWrapper,Attempting to Grab KAC Types...
[WRN 10:35:03.115] HighlightingSystem : Framebuffer depth data is not available and can't be used to occlude highlighting. Highlighting occluders enabled.
[LOG 10:35:03.845] [KAE] Registering field prefabs for version (latest)
[LOG 10:35:03.846] [VersionTaggedType] found KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionFloatEdit_1_7_2_0 for KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionFloatEdit
[LOG 10:35:03.847] [VersionTaggedType] found KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionFloatEdit_1_7_2_0 for KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionFloatEdit
[LOG 10:35:03.850] [VersionTaggedType] found KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionChooseOption_1_7_2_0 for KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionChooseOption
[LOG 10:35:03.850] [VersionTaggedType] found KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionChooseOption_1_7_2_0 for KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionChooseOption
[LOG 10:35:03.851] [VersionTaggedType] found KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionLabelImproved_1_7_2_0 for KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionLabelImproved
[LOG 10:35:03.852] [VersionTaggedType] found KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionResourceEditorImproved_1_7_2_0 for KSPAPIExtensions.UIPartActionResourceEditorImproved
[LOG 10:35:03.859] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 10:35:20.770] Game State Saved to saves/default/persistent
[ERR 10:35:24.328] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

[LOG 10:35:24.362] Parsing vector2
[LOG 10:35:24.362] Parsing double
[LOG 10:35:24.366] Parsing vector2
[LOG 10:35:24.366] Parsing double
[LOG 10:35:26.910] Parsing vector2
[LOG 10:35:26.910] Parsing double
[LOG 10:35:26.914] Parsing vector2
[LOG 10:35:26.914] Parsing double
[LOG 10:35:26.916] Parsing vector2
[LOG 10:35:26.916] Parsing double
[LOG 10:35:26.917] Parsing vector2

Not a peep of an error. So I'm stumped. It's taken me a lot of debugging time to narrow the problem down this far, to this bizarre intersection of Kerbal Construction Time, Procedural Fairings, Tweakable Everything and (of all things) MechJeb. So as to where to go from here, I'm at a loss.

I really want to use Kerbal Construction Time, I refuse to play without Tweakable Everything (I'm too spoiled by it by now), and I think I can live without having ModuleTweakableDecouple on PF's interstage adapters. So I think I'm going to try that workaround. But I'd really love it if a proper fix for this weird thing could be found. I consider these to be four of my most-favored mods, and I really want them all in my game at the same time.

Let me know if I can help.

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Sorry for the wait folks; it's been a crazy week.

Nerezza, my decouplers don't do that, so I'll need more information. A log (Windows: \path\to\KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt; Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log; Mac: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log) would be great; a list of other mods you have installed is a distant second. Steps to reproduce are always handy. :)

jefferyharrell and Gaiiden, I think that if you can do that by adding a line to TweakableEVA.cfg like this:

name = ModuleTweakableEVA
[B]thrusterPowerThrottle = 0.2[/B]

thrustPowerThrottle is a ratio from 0 to 1. It's been a while since I looked at the EVAManager code, but I think I made that possible. If not let me know and I'll take another look. :)

gamelord1994, you can do that with an MM patch via TweakableStaging. For example:

name = ModuleStagingToggle
defaultDisabled = false
activeInFlight = false
activeInEditor = true

To include all of the engines you'd need to OR ModuleEnginesFX into the patch as well, but my ModuleManagerFu is rusty right now and I can't remember the exact syntax. You could also just duplicate the patch and substitute ModuleEnginesFX for ModuleEngines.

jefferyharrell, the last version included some fixes that should have made TE and Procedural Fairings play nicely together. I play with KCT, so MechJeb seems like the odd one out. I have no idea what would make it churn like that... but I'll try to take a look soon. Can you check if removing MechJeb also makes the problem go away?

You're welcome, Albert VDS! I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)

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Can you check if removing MechJeb also makes the problem go away?

It does. I was only able to produce the problem by making Tweakable Everything, Procedural Fairings, Construction Time and MechJeb all interact. I took the problem to the Construction Time guys as well and they were able to identify the part of the problem that affected their mod: While the right-click menu is open on a Procedural Fairings interstage that has a MechJeb part attached (I know) a particular event fires over and over and over. The Construction Time guys added some code to their mod that throttles their handling of that event, but the event is still being fired. Does any of that mean anything to you? Here's the relevant Github issue with its comments:


Thanks again for everything.

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I've gone ahead and responded to their issue, though it looks like they've got things well in hand. I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything to call the event except by adding extra tweakables to things... which is the whole premise of the mod so I can't really change it. ;) That said, I've invited Magico13 and company to ask me to look closer if there's still something to look at.

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Well, I know it's possible; just use an MM patch or similar to set acquireTorque or captureTorque to an insanely large number. It's a float, so the number can't be bigger than 3.4028234E+38. It's probably going to be multiplied by something, so realistically you probably want to be well short of that number.

I would suggest to you, though, that such a change is unlikely to have the effect that you want. ;)

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Latest version is borked for me - I tried to load a ship in my main save and the Kraken was unleashed in a most horrible fashion. It was actually rather comical seeing the Mk1-2 spinning crazily atop its decoupler as the decouple FX played over and over and finally the whole thing just shot apart into a cloud of debris. It's probably the fact that I'm docked together with KAS pipes. I hear that the latest KJR also has some docking issues but I downloaded the repository for the dev build and got the same results with 1.8. Rolling back to 1.7 made the issue go away. Log file

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I'm surprised that rolling back fixes it... the problem in the log suggests that you have malformed config.xml files in TweakableEverything/PluginData such that Mono's XmlTextReader refuses to even parse them. There are similar errors for MechJeb. Did you happen to delete TE's PluginData when you rolled back (but not when you upgraded, maybe)?

Edit I added some exception protection to the ToadicusTools method that was failing because of the XML issues; feel free to try this development DLL and see if it helps. :)

Edited by toadicus
Added link to fixed DLL.
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Weird musta been some kind of file corruption from something. All mods get a clean install when I upgrade, the folder is completely removed to an Outdated directory for use if I need to roll back. So when I rolled back I deleted the new TE folder and copied back in the old one. Anyways deleted the current DLL and TE folder and replaced them with 1.8 and the updated DLL, reloaded back into the save scenario that caused the Kraken and nothing happened. So, good!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can you add back in TweakableLadders please? Squads still isn't working right (extend ladder on craft, save it, exit SPH, re-enter, reload craft, ladder is now stuck).

Done. I'm not home to release it and I'm working a bunch this weekend, but I'll get it out ASAP.

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Done. I'm not home to release it and I'm working a bunch this weekend, but I'll get it out ASAP.

Cool, looking forward to regaining this functionality! I suppose it shouldn't by now, but it still amazes me how Squad (and everybody else, come to think of it) keeps insisting on 'fixing' things that work perfectly well until they're broken, while simultaneously totally ignoring other issues in the game that remain unfinished.

Anyway, thanks for this great mod, Toadicus, I certainly couldn't and wouldn't play the game without it. :)

Later! :D

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Sorry guys; I just finished an 80 week and a few 60 hour weeks before that. I've got things going on today, but may be able to get back into the swing of things here tomorrow -- late next week at the latest. Thanks for your patience. :)

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