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Hi, any tips for a noob?


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I\'ve known about KSP for a while, after seeing clips of gameplay every now and then. Recently I bought it after it was brought to my attention once again and I\'ve been playing for around a week. I\'m still not very good, but the main problem I am having is controlling my rocket once I am in the air. I know about the SAS modules and all that, but I\'m talking about an issue I am having due to the ability to move the camera. If I were to press W while flying, the rocket will turn away from the camera. However, if I were to move the camera to get a better look at, say, the Mun, pressing W would now turn the rocket in the same direction as before, but not away from the me as it had done before.

This can make controlling it rather difficult after moving the camera. Am I missing something, or is it not currently possible to have the rocket turn in respect to camera position?


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