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MechJeb's Lament {Part 1 - A Window of Opportunity}


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(I always have to have more than one project, so I present to you my more story-driven sandbox experience.)

MechJeb's Lament


In the early day's of Kerbal space exploration, it didn't take long for Kerbal Space Command to realize that the average person's piloting skills were....

Not good.

Years of training and testing cost millions of kerbucks, and still did not guarantee success.

Yet there was one Kerbal who seemed to be in tune with every machine he touched. His name was Jebediah “Jeb†Kerman.

The only problem was, there was only one of him. Command knew that for their program to continue to be successful, they had to find a way to take the essence of Jeb and put it in to every flight system, every computer, every rocket and space plane. Cloning was not a concept that was understood by Kerbals, so they devised a new idea. Using scanning brainwave technology (and several invasive implants), Jebediah could sit comfortably in his big chair at Command and control spacecraft from afar, using the power of his mind.

With this technology he helped land the first Kerbal on the Mun.


And on Minmus.


This worked for a while, but still Jeb could only control one vessel at a time. So Command stepped in again, and compiled all of the data gathered from every flight controlled by Jeb. Using sophisticated algorithms (and definitely no witchcraft at all), the first successful “Mechanical Jeb†was born.

This new device, dubbed the MechJeb, was mounted to a small probe destined for Eve. A rocket and transfer stage was built, and Command waited for the perfect transfer window to Eve.

Command worked frantically to try to stop the probe from executing any more of it's pre-programmed flight pattern, but the probe would not respond. Unable to scramble a mission to take the probe back to find out what went wrong, it simply carried out it's program, and burned for Eve.

Even though he was surrounded by his colleges, Jeb felt cold and alone, saddened by the mission's failure. He fell in to a deep depression, had his brain probes removed, and quit his job at KSC. Over the course of the following month, Jeb dreamed of the stars. Every night the clearest and most vivid dreams of Kerbol and the infinite void taunted him.

The launch jarred the feeble AI's systems, causing it to re-calibrate its sensors to the last known good configuration, Jeb's brainwave patterns. So harmoniously tuned was the probe that as it got caught in Eve's gravitational field Jeb lost his balance and fell in his apartment. Jeb shrugged it off as another case of the spins from drinking too much and passed out without giving it a second thought.

That night Jeb's dreams were different. His mind was filled with a great purple haze. As he tried to focus through the haze so did the probe, activating its sensors and extending its antennae. Soon, the haze cleared, and images of Eve filled Jeb's dream. He awoke in a blaze, taking notes and making calculations as his morning koffee brewed. Though he was still unaware of the connection, he knew we has now obsessed with Eve.


Edited by KeithStone
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Part 1 – Window of Opportunity

Months passed. Kerbal Space Command ran numerous tests on new mechjeb autopilots and they all seemed to perform flawlessly. Confident in their work, they began to use the new mechjeb pods to assist in bringing up parts for a space station, and constructed it in orbit. The system seemed to work as designed, and KSC deemed their first probe's failure on comms systems or faulty wiring.

Jebediah spent his time in wonder. Drawing plans for probes that could visit Eve's surface or mine Gilley for metal or kethane. He struggled with ways to get around Eve's immense gravity and thick atmosphere. His house filled with drawings, plans, calculations, and charts, but he knew it was foolhardy to think he could return to KSC with them. They wouldn't understand why he would want to embark on such a challenging mission when easier targets like Duna were available to research.

Jeb still kept some contact with KSC, watching their mission progress and future plans. His heart sank when he saw that their new spaceplane was scheduled to deliver an experimental orbital construction module to dock with the space station in just a few days time, on the cusp of an Eve transfer window.

“Fools!†he thought, “If I were there I would demand that plane refuel and take that construction yard to Eve!â€Â

Frustrated, he walked off, and thought of how nice it would be to have his own space program where he was in charge....

Meanwhile the Landcaster-5 spaceplane took off, and KSC cringed as the plane nearly flew straight in to the ocean as soon as it left the runway.

Once in orbit, the Landcaster docked with the space station, and it's sole pilot entered in to the crew quarters to join his comrades in victory snacks and games. The mechjeb, however, started to receive a signal from Eve. The encrypted transmission went unnoticed by ground control, and overrode the Landcaster's control and navigation functions. It locked the doors to the docking port and main hatch, and started draining the fuel from the station's toroidal stockpile. Once full the Landcaster undocked from the station, and began to drift off in to space.


Ground control tried to contact the space station, but their messages fell on deaf ears as the crew of the station was playing celebratory music at incredibly high volumes. The Landcaster's nuclear engines fired, and after a long burn it's orbit was set for an intercept with Eve.

Outraged, KSC immediately called Jebediah.

“Jebediah, report to KSC immediatelyâ€Â.

“I don't work for you any more,†Jeb replied. “From the looks of it you dont need me either, I watched the news of your little Landcaster docking with the space station under autonomous control just fine.â€Â

“This is not a request Jeb. This is a military order from up high. Security risks mean we can only tell you more in person. Transportation is already on it's way to pick you upâ€Â.

Sure enough, not seconds after Jeb hung up the phone did a black sedan appear outside his front door. Slightly confused he left his home and got in the back of the sedan. He sat next to a military officer who looked at him coldly.

“Jeb, your top secret clearance is restored. I'm going to keep this simple since we don't know a lot yet. The Landcaster just drained the orbital station of fuel, disengaged the docking port, and burned for Eve. We have a feeling this might have something to do with the first probe that used the MechJeb system, which means that you are directly invovled. Do you have any clue as to why this is happening?â€Â

Jeb simply stared back at the officer, as all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together in his mind.


“That's a tragedy sir. No, I do not know what is going on, but I'll be glad to look in to it with you,†Jeb forced the response out the best he could without shaking. The drive to KSC was long, and the entire time Jeb thought out “Bring the Landcaster back, turn it around right now and bring it backâ€Â

But MechJeb didn't listen.

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